Sevde Sevde

TP 6 - Don't Argue!
Upper-Intermediate level


The lesson will start by clarifying blocking vocabulary for the listening activities. Students will then listen to a psychologist giving tips on how to argue and complete 3 related listening exercises. At the end of the lesson, students will role-play two arguments with a partner and discuss if they followed any of the tips or not.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about arguments in the context of psychologist giving tips on how to argue

Subsidiary Aims

  • to practice speaking skills using past modals and the tips given by the pshcologist in the listening text


Lead in (3-4 minutes) • to make a smooth transition into the lesson

T asks Ss questions if they have any tips they could recomment to follow during an argument T asks questions like: " Imagine your having a heated argument with a friend. You've been arguing with him/her for more than 20 minutes but you couldn't settle. So you say to 'lets talk about this later, ok? " "What do we call doing that?" - T elicits the word 'postpone' " Ok, so now it's the other day and your talking about the argument again. You now found a solution to the problem and you're both happy. What do we call this?" - T elicits the word 'mediate' "Today, we will be listening to a psychologist and the tips she is giving for people who are arguing."

Listening for gist (7-8 minutes)

" You will now listen to the psychologist. On the HO, there are 10 sentences. If you hear the psychologist say anything about these sentences, put a tick. You have a minute to read the sentences before I play the recording." ICQ: Do we tick if we hear the psychologist say anything about the sentences or no? T plays the recording. Ss pair check. T replays the recording if Ss ask for it WCFB

Listening for detail (10-15 minutes)

Ss will now listen to the recording again but this time, they will be asked to add more details about the tips they've ticked. T pauses after each tip to give Ss time to discuss and write down the details ICQ: Will I stop the recording after each tip or no? Will you discuss the details with a friend or no? Are you going to write them down after you've discussed or no? Ss check their answers with their group members. Replay the recording if necessary WCFB - Ss will discuss which tip they found more useful and why. T elicits why arguing can be a good thing

Listening for specific information (6-7 minutes)

T gives Ss another HO. Ss will first discuss and try to work out the missing words in the sentences given. 'You can work with your group to complete the sentences. You have 3 minutes' T plays the recording and pauses after each sentence for Ss to write Pair check followed by WCFB T tries to elicit some of the proverbs from the Ss from within a context

Post Listening (8-10 minutes) • practice speaking

Ss have just listened to some tips about arguing. T gives out the contexts in a bag. Each student will take one card and read his / her role Ss will find their pairs and start an argument 'Studen A will pair up with student B. Student C will pair up with student D' ICQ's: 'Student A will find student B, C or D?' 'Student C will find student A, B or D?' T monitors throughout the speaking activity Ss discuss which of the tips they've decided to follow and why

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