Bjorn Renberg Bjorn Renberg

Right and Wrong- vocabulary and speaking
Upper intermediate level


This lesson will focus on vocabulary, specifically with the prefix -mis and the concept of it. It will begin with vocabulary and end with discussions.


Main Aims

  • The students will learn vocabulary that starts with the prefix -mis

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking, using the key vocabulary.
  • Practicing skim listening


Warmer and setting the context (3-4 minutes) • To give a visual context for one key vocabulary and build their interest

A short clip (40 sec) is played of Mr Bean misunderstanding the porter. Ask what happened. The word "misunderstanding" is the elicited from the students . Elicit more mis-words from them

Listening: dialogues and vocabulary (10-12 minutes) • To introduce the key vocabulary to the students in the context of situations

Divide them into pairs. Instruct the ss to listen to the dialogue and then re-tell the story to the one they are paired with. Play the CD and pause after each dialogue and give them time to re-tell. The teacher will give a handout with the six vocabulary (HO 1) words and will explain that the sts are to match the words to the dialogues as they are played one more time. The teacher will play one dialogue at a time, and after each one the pairs should decide which word belongs to which dialogue. This will be done the same way with all the six dialogues. As feedback ask each pair what they thought the word was. Ask the others if they agree. If they are right then move on to the next. 1. Misspell. Why? The letters are in the wrong place. It's how you write. 2. Mishear. Why? "I thought you said..." 3. Misunderstand. Why? I thought you said. In the mind. What is "wires crossed". What happens when you put electric wires at the wrong does not work. Connecting wrongly. 4. Misquote. What is a quote? It is to re-tell something exactly as he said it and refer to the person. He tried to quote from Alexander Pope. 5. Mispronounce. Why? He said an x instead of an s. 6. Misuse. Why? He used evaporate in a wrong way. How do you use evaporate? If you leave the pot of boiling water until it is dry.

Meaning and pronunciation (8-10 minutes) • To let the students define the meaning and practice the key vocabulary to prepare for the speaking practice

Ask them to answer question 2, to complete the definition on HO 1: It should be "done badly or wrongly" Point to the form mis + verb. It has to do with action. It means these are actions, things you do. Go through the words and illicit the meaning from the students. Drill the pronunciation with students Mishear /mɪsˈhɪə/ , mispronounce /mɪsprəˈnaʊns/, misquote /mɪsˈkwəʊt/, misspell /mɪsˈspɛl, misunderstand /mɪsʌndəˈstand/, misuse /mɪsˈjuːz/ Let them listen to CD 1.25 (alternatively the teacher says them) and let them tell where the stress is. Do a final drill on the pronunciation to make sure they are all set to go.

Speaking practice: Discussions using key vocabulary (10-15 minutes) • Practice in pairs using the key vocabulary

They will separate in pairs.A paper with five questions will be handed to them (handout 2). They will choose two topics to discuss. They will be instructed to report back to the class after they have finished. Feedback in class as the pairs report back what they discussed. Get as many to share something as possible.

Conclude and wrap up (3-4 minutes) • To do final error correction and answer any additional question

During the conversations the teacher should have taken note of the mistakes done. Bring them to attention without pointing anyone out. Make sure everyone understands.

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