Amirali Monfared Amirali Monfared

A2 level


In this lesson students learn about "past simple was/were" through guided discovery. The lesson's context is established in the previous lesson and is about travelling. The students continue with some controlled practices and then there will be a discussion as a freer practice about students' own past.


Abc guided discovery
Abc no we weren't
Abc gap fill

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of past simple was/were in the context of travelling

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of travel


Warmer (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks Ss if they’ve ever travelled to another country and how was it. (Or talks about his/her own trip to another country which was lovely with a few problems.)

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T then focuses Ss attention on Tom and Lara’s trip to Canada, pairs them and elicitcs answers 1 minute for each: (Questions one by one) -how was their holiday? It was lovely -where were they? They were in Canada -how did she feel? I wasn’t very happy. -why was she not happy? The shops weren’t open.

Highlighting (1-2 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T highlights the senteces on the board and pairs singulars and plurals together. Our holiday was lovely. I wasn’t very happy. We were in Canada. The Shops weren’t open. T elicits if the senteces are singular/plural, positive/negative.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T distributes a handout and asks Ss,not to unfold it. T groups the Ss and INS.: "Put the sentences from the board, in the chart" T takes WCFB. INS.: “I want you to answer the questions in groups” T monitors as Ss are discussing the answers. T asks Ss to unfold the paper and look at the A/K. T pairs the students and INS.: “I want you to read the sentences and circle the correct answers.” T then asks Ss top peer check their answers and takes WCFB. T asks Ss to flip their papers and complete the patterns with the words in groups. T takes WCFB. T clarifies the pronunciation of the TL with the WC.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T models the first activity orally with the whole class: T: we were in Dublin. SS: No we weren't. We were in Glasgow. T groups the Ss and distributes the H/O.2 and asks Ss: INS.: "I want one of you to read the sentences and everyone to answer." T monitors as Ss are practicing the task. T nominates two students to ask and answer each question.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T distributes H/O.3 and asks Ss to fill in the blanks: INS.: "I want you to fill in the gaps alone" T monitors while Ss are doing the task and provides help if necessary. T then asks Ss to peer check and make sure their answers are correct. T then asks Ss to work in pairs saying the dialogues together. T monitors as Ss are talking.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T puts the following phrases on the board: -last night -last weekend -a holiday T groups the students and models and then asks Ss to talk about themselves. T monitors and provides help if necessary.

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