Saeema Khan Saeema Khan

Intermidiate and Upper Intermidiate level


In this lesson, the teachers would learn about the question word order in the context of beginning a lesson. They will be exposed to the context using pictures on topics related to the curriculum. They will practice asking questions and will present to an audience.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of Questions in the context of of beginning a lesson

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice when asking questions in a classroom


Warmer/Lead-in (15-20 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Find someone who In this activity give each participant a list of things. They need to go around the room ask a question on one of items on the list, they can they cross the item of the list and write the name of the person next to it. Here is the tricky part, they can not ask a yes or no question. . For example: if they are looking someone who like fish… they will go around room and What is your favorite food? If they ask a y/n question they loose a point. Students will get up from the chairs and go around asking questions. allow 10 minutes and monitor. Feedback: elicit who crossed off the most items of their list.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through beginning a lesson

Slide 3: Elicit from the students, how they begin a lesson. Write down a few answers on the board. Possible answers: brainstorming activity, KWL, Recap of a previous lesson, use a picture and or vocabulary review. Lead them into asking how they elicit prior knowledge? Or how do they begin a brainstorming session? Or What type of statements are used to elicit students prior knowledge. Answer: questioning Slide 4: Now lead them into the next slide. Ask what type of questions should they be asking? Y/N or Wh- answer: Wh-questions Ask them why do you Wh- questions? Review Wh- question words. Slide 5: Elicit what questions word would you use If you were asking about something If you were asking about a choice If you were asking the reason If you were asking about the place Time Method Amount Slide 6: Tell them they are about to begin a lesson on a reader. Show them the picture of the reader. What types of questions could they ask to generate the students interest? Tell them to come up with as many questions as they can. Allow them 5 minutes for this activity in pairs. Elicit the questions : Monitor their word order in questions- use the white board and write the incorrect questions. If you hear vague question ask them to be more specific.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Slide 7-10: review rules First elicit the correction from the audience and ask them to give you the reason for the change. Then show them the rule. Elicit a few more examples from the students, randomly.

Controlled Practice (8-14 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Hand out worksheet 1 for controlled practice. Make sure you provide clarification for all three parts of worksheet 1. Allow 8-10 minutes for pair work and discussion. Then take random feedback.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Hand out Worksheet 2 and ask the pair to complete the questions.

Free Practice (15-20 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

In this activity the pair will given topic. They can use realia/pictures to begin a lesson. The objective of this practice is to ask wh- questions accurately and to elicit student's prior knowledge and engage them. The mentor is allowed to change the topic to suit the curriculum requirement.

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