mohammad hassan ahmadi mohammad hassan ahmadi

Intermediate(B1) level


In this lesson Ss are presented the lexical set for films followed by a text to have contextualized vocabulary.And then for the productive skill after the receptive skill,they are all asked to write about their favorite film.


Abc H/O ,worksheets

Main Aims

  • To review and practice lexical set and vocabulary related to film making .

Subsidiary Aims

  • To activate knowledge of vocabulary through a writing task


Stage 1:Lead in (5-10 minutes) • To generate interest in the theme of the text , to review and elicit the TL through visuals.

T shows a picture of a book and a DVD and elicits TL (vocabulary) by asking questions about how they are related. T asks CCQs to check their understanding.(to be based on) which one was first done?the book was written or the film was made?(the book was written) T gives instructions and asks ICQs. work alone or with partners?(with a partner) write or discuss?(discuss) T gives the H/O. Ss are supposed to work in pairs to guess the answers to some questions given to them as handouts. Ss change partners to check with other Ss.

Stage 2(Presentation/Contexualization) (10-15 minutes) • To introduce the TL through a text highlighting the lexis

T provides the class with a text on the topic T gives instructions and check understanding through ICQs. write or discuss?(write) alone or with a partner ?(with a partner) T gives the H/O. Ss in pairs try to find the answers to the Qs. Ss change the partners.

Stage 3( Practice) (5-10 minutes) • To encourage learners to deduce the meaning of the TL from context

T runs a new activity/matching definitions with the TL in theform of a game. T gives a text with the TL (lexis) highlighted and gives instructions. T asks ICQs. Work alone or in pairs?(in pairs) Write or stick under the highlighted part?(stick) T gives handouts + strips of definitions in different for each pair. Ss work in pairs Ss read the answers and have whole class check T and the Ss practcie correct pronunciation T models and then Ss repeat chorally and individually. T gives every one the answers.

Stage 4(Production) (5-10 minutes) • To provide freer oral and written practice focused on using theTL getting feedback.

T wants the students to write about a film . Ss are supposed to use the TL . Ss are asked to tell their partners about it. T monitors and checks and provides help. T tolerates the mistakes and provides delayed correction.

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