Artem Artem

Elementary level


In this lesson SS will learn how to ask for and give directions.


Abc Photo of Cevahir AVM
Abc Cut-up guided discovery task
Abc Cut-up FL ex.
Abc Blind Shopping
Abc Pencils and scarves

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for asking for and giving directions in the context of shopping

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of giving directions in a mall


Stage 1. Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To focus SS's attention on the shopping topic.

T: "Imagine you are in a very big shopping centre. (pic of a shopping centre) Hey, what is this place? Yeah, Cevahir. Do you know every shop and boutique in this mall? Do you know how to get to Migros there when you want to buy some food? And where is Macdonalds? And if you do not know, what shall we do? Yeah, we shall ask!

Stage 2. FL Clarification (7-10 minutes) • To introduce or to summarize FL

T: Some minutes ago, you listened to short dialogues. 1. Now, I will give you some questions and answers from those dialogues. ICQs: What will I give you? (phrases) And you will work in pairs and complete the answers with phrases from the box. (2 minutes) ICQs: Will you do it alone? (No) Will you complete the questions? (No just) Will you complete the answers? (Yes) 2. Now, let's complete this table together on the WB. 3. CCQ: If you answer "It's on the right", what was my question? (Where...?) And what was my question if you answer "Turn left and go along the hall? (How do I get to?) If I ask you "How do I get to Migros?", will you answer "It's on the left"? (No)

Stage 3. Controlled Practice 1 (3-4 minutes) • To provide SS with physical drill of the FL

T: 1. Now, guys, let's stand up. Look at me. Listen to me! Do as I say! And repeat what I say! (marching) Go! Go! Go along the hall! (SS repeat) (marching) Go! Go! Go along the hall! (SS repeat) Turn right! Turn right! (marching) Walk! Walk! Walk along the hall! (SS repeat) (marching) Walk! Walk! Walk along the hall! (SS repeat) Turn left! Turn left! (marching) Go! Go! Go along the hall! (SS repeat) (marching) Go! Go! Go along the hall! (SS repeat) (walking his fingers up) Go! Go! Go up the stairs! (walking his fingers up) Go! Go! Go up the stairs! (walking his fingers down) Go! Go! Go down the stairs! (walking his fingers down) Go! Go! Go down the stairs! Turn right! Turn left! (marching) Walk! Walk! Walk along the aisle! (SS repeat) (marching) Walk! Walk! Walk along the aisle! (SS repeat) Go! Go! Go down the stairs! Turn left! Turn right! Where! Where! Where is the car park? (pointing) There! There! There, on the left! Where! Where! Where is the market? (pointing) There! There! There, on the right! (marching) Go! Go! Go along the corridor! (SS repeat) (marching) Go! Go! Go along the corridor! (SS repeat) Stop!

Stage 4. Controlled practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide SS with controlled practice

T: Now, I am giving you a dialogue. But in this dialogue some very important words are missing. You have 2 minutes to complete it. ICQ: How many minutes? (2!) Go! Guys, time! Now let's divide into two groups. Check your dialogues in groups and complete them on the WB! The team which completes it correctly before the other WINZZZ! Go!

Stage 5. Freer practice (20-25 minutes) • To provide SS with freer speaking practice

SS are divided in pairs: A and B. T: Guys, we are going shopping now! And here is the shop! (SAMPLE SHOP on the screen + A3) I need a volunteer to help me. Here is my shopping list and a scarf. Now, I will close your eyes with the scarf. Hey-ho, off we go! We are going shopping. Keep the pencil on the paper! Do not take it from the paper. Never! Ok? Can you take the pencil from the paper? (No) Good. Now, here comes the first thing we should buy: A DRESS. But you can't see. How will you get a dress? Listen to me! And move your pencil. Will you move your legs? (No) Good, only pencil. Do it slowly don't take your pencil from the paper. Go to the left. Now you are in the shopping centre. Go down the stairs. Turn left. Go up the stairs. Turn left. Go down the stairs - down, down... Turn right. Go up the stairs. Turn left. YESSSS! Here is the dress. NEXT THING: Some beautiful SHOES! Go to the right. Go down the stairs. Turn left. Go up the stairs. Turn left. Go down the stairs. Turn right. Go down the stairs (it's a very big mall!) Turn right. Walk along the corridor. Walk. Walk. Here are our shoes! Ok? Open your eyes. Good. Why didn't we buy sports shoes or a T-shirt? (Because the cards said A DRESS and SOME BEAUTIFUL SHOES). Can we go through the walls? (NO) When you buy everything, you must go out - here. AND! The team which finishes first WINS! Now, find yourself a mall. Student A, take a pencil! Student B, use your scarves! Student B, help Student A to find the entrance! Student B, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BUY? Take a card, quickly!

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