Jihane Amayou Jihane Amayou


Abc Students coursebook
Abc Students coursebook

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of "a" and "an" in the context of different daily objects we use and/or play with

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide correct speaking on the use of "a" and "an" as well as well clarified lesson about the different use of these articles.


Lead in (5-10 minutes) • To generate interests in the topic of the lesson

T will play the CD tape and make Ss listen and repeat the words. T can do individual drilling in this point of stage though *

Exposure (15-20 minutes) • To highlight the target language so that learners are focussed on it

T will name some students different vowels and make them stand up. Other students will have to recognize the S with the right vowel as it's being pronounced by the T. after this actvity the T will write those vowels on the WB and make Ss drill them so they know the propper pronounciation for each one.

Practice 1 (15-20 minutes) • to provide practice on the target language

Ss will do exercise 1 page 9 and sort out the vowels from it. Answer keys will written on the WB by the Ss. T will set Ex 3 page 10 and tell the Ss to fill the gaps with the appropriate answers Note : Give Clear instructions and do ICQs before setting the start of any task to the Ss

Practice 2 (20-30 minutes) • Providing practice of the target language

T will explain and give instructions to do Ex 5, 7, 8 then 6 page 11 and 12 . Note: * Tasks will be explained and done seperately * Instructions and ICQs must be done before setting the start of any ex * Correction and answer keys will be done by the Ss first

Semi-controlled practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide controlled oral focused on using the language accurately and productively

Ss will do the speaking activity from the coursebook page 12 T will monitor and do error correction after the activity

Freer practice (10-15 minutes) • to provide freer practice on the target language

T will set the instructions and the start of the writing activity p 12 from the CB Ss will compare and share their answers with each other. while the T monitors. T will do error correction afterwards

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