Jihane Amayou Jihane Amayou


Abc Students coursebook

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of the alphabet in an upper and lower case in the context of daily life used objects

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking and language awareness of the alphabet (upper and lower case)


Lead in (5-10 minutes) • To generate interests in the topic of the lesson

T will put flashcards of the alphabet "A to Z" on the board, first she will elicit the things Ss already remember from kindergarten and then she will introduce the alphabet

Exposure (10-15 minutes) • To highlight the target language so that learners are focussed on it

T will play the CD tape to the Ss to listen and repeat the alphabet for a correct pronunciation. T will do Coral and group drilling for the words. Note: Individual drilling must be covered if needed.

Practice 1 (10-10 minutes) • Providing practice of the target language

Students will do exercise 1 page 6 Teacher will do the exercise correction on the WB by Ss as a WC FB

Practice 2 (10-15 minutes) • Providing practice of the target language

T explains exercise 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 page 7 and then she will set the exercise to the Ss to be done. Correction will be on the WB as WCFB NOTE: T will do each exercise seperately and before Ss start the exercise , T will ask ICQs to make sure Ss understood the intsructions.

Practice 3 (10-15 minutes) • Providing practice of the target language

T will explains and give instructions of the exercise 8 page 8. T will help students find out the words, but Ss will have to do this puzzle exercise alone. Corrections and answers will be written on the WB as a WFB

Practice 4 (10-15 minutes) • Providing practice of the target language

This exercise will be done first as a WC - orally- with Ss and T help ( as an explanation) the Ss will later be doing it individually. Corrections and aswers are going to be written on the WB as WCFB This exercise emphasize the practice of the Ss ' oral fluency.

practice 5 (10-15 minutes) • Providing practice of the target language

This exercise will be done as a speaking activity. T will introduce first the dygraphs to the Ss then will write then in different papers that will be put in four different corners of the class. T will read the words and Ss must run to appropriate corner of the right dygraph. Note: This activity shouldn't start without clear instructions and ICQs to set the rules and management of the class.

NOTE: Error correction and Feedback

Error correction and feedback must be done after every stage. T will do driling, back chaining technique for a correct pronunciation. Instructions MUST be clear and ICQs must be asked after setting each exercise.

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