Mahdis Rostamzadeh Mahdis Rostamzadeh

L1 level


In this lesson Ss can establish basic social contact by using the simplest everyday polite forms of: greetings and farewells; introductions; saying please, thank you, sorry, etc.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of present simple be in the context of greetings; countries and nationalities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for introducing people in the context of greetings
  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about greetings and people introducing themselves


MEL, S books (30-32 minutes)

Ss go to settings, use the course code sent to their gmail accounts to join the course, T hands out the books and makes sure they write their names in the book and takes signatures; T checks Ss' homework= notes of the videos they've watched Orientation Kahoot

Warm up (4-6 minutes) • getting to know each other

Organise Ss into a large circle and demo the activity. Throw the ball to a S and say: I'm ___. Ss repeat the same action until everyone introduces themselves. Then, the T throws the ball to a S again, but this time says their name. Ss continue this activity until they can remember their classmates' names confidently.

revision of WH Q words (5-7 minutes) • to activate the Ss' schemata

T chests H1 and demos the activity. ICQ: What are you going to do? How much time do you have? The Ss check their answers in pairs and then ask and answer the questions. The Ss mingle and put down the answers.

Classroom Language (4-6 minutes) • revision

T Chests H2 and demos the activity. Shows the Ss how to use Cambridge Dictionary if they don't know a word. The Ss match the Qs to the As and then check the answers with their partners and role play. WCF. Then WC repetition and T puts the sentences on the walls.

Vocabulary (4-6 minutes) • activate schemeta

T draws the Ss' attention to the title: NICE TO MEET YOU and asks if the Ss can provide alternative forms? pleased to meet you; It's a pleasure to meet you, glad to meet you, Ss match the photos to the places alone and check in pairs. Answers: B street, C classroom, D airport, E office T elicits the answers and asks CCQs: How many airports are there in Istanbul? Their names? T drills the words and highlight the stress on each word. /ˈstuː.di.oʊ/ /ˈer.pɔːrt//ˈklæs.ruːm/ /ˌtiːˈviː/

listening (4-6 minutes) • Revise Ss' knowledge of greetings

Ss listen and match the conversations with the places. Answers: 1D, 2B, 3C, 4A, 5E Ss listen again and complete the conversations. Check: Nice to meet you, same (class), welcome, BBC News, Can I help you? Please take a seat. Which one is more polite? Hi or Good evening/afternoon? Answers: 1 Nice, you 2 How, you, you 3 Hi, Nice, meet, 4 afternoon 5good afternoon

Grammar (7-9 minutes) • clarify present simple be

Ss try to work out the answers to the grammar table in 2 and then check their answers in pairs. Answers: is, 'm, Are, are, Is, isn't Check their understanding of the contracted forms, model and drill. Languagebank 1.1 page: 128-129 T reads the notes with the Ss and elicits more examples. Then the Ss do the exercises on page 129. Answers:

writing (4-5 minutes) • using the TL

The Ss write sentences using present simple be in their notebooks. They write sentences about themselves (I'm___, My name's ______), Their partners ( She/he's ____) and other subject pronouns. They check in pairs and write some examples on the board.

conversation (8-9 minutes) • practice TL

Ss are given 3 minutes to complete the conversation in 3A, check their answers in pairs. While their doing the activity the T write the dialogue on the board and then the 'disappearing dialogue' until the Ss memorise the lines. Then they practice in groups of three and take turns to introduce each other. T introduces: He's a friend of mine; she's my sister, He's a colleague.

Kahoot! (10-12 minutes) • revision

Present simple be Kahoot

4A (10-12 minutes) • Vocab

Ss in pairs find the nationalities for each country on the map that the T has shared with them. If necessary they use Cambridge Dictionary to check the pronunciation and spelling.

countries/nationalities (5-7 minutes) • pronunciation

T demos how underline the stressed syllables: Spain, Spanish Ss listen to the countries and nationalities and underline the stressed syllable. They check answers in pairs and then go to photobank on page 152.

5A (3-4 minutes) • practice TL for memorization

Ss do the quiz 5A and check their answers in pairs.

Writing (5-7 minutes) • Capitalization

T explains capital/ lowercase letters. The Ss do underline the kind of words which are capitalised. they check their answers in pairs and then WCFB and the they do the activity below.

Extra (15-18 minutes) • speaking

T hands out the flashcards and the students ask each other questions: What's your name? Where are you from? The Ss form groups of three and introduce each other. A: Hi Ahmet. This is John. He's from London. B: Hi John. It's nice to meet you. C: Hi Ahmet. It's nice to meet you, too. Ss write their conversations down.

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