İdil Eser İdil Eser

A2 Elementary level


In this lesson, students will practice "a, any, some" with controlled and freer exercises.


Abc P 1
Abc P 2
Abc P 3
Abc P 5
Abc P 6
Abc P 4

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for a, an, any, some in the context of objects in the rooms

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy writing and speaking practice in a conversation in the context of objects in the rooms


Lead In (3-5 minutes) • To have a semi-free practise to see if Ss have any confusion with the TL

- T will show Ss a table with words. T will create an example sentence to show Ss and tell that they will write 9 sentences with their partners. Ss will read their sentences, T will write some of the sentences on the board, if needed error correction will be done.

Practise Activity 1 (3-5 minutes) • To provide controlled written practise focused on using the language accurately

-T chests the HO. T tells Ss to underline the correct word alone. Ss check in pairs. WCFB on the WB.

Practice 2 (3-5 minutes) • To provide written practice focused on using the language accurately

- T chests the HO. T tells we have six sentences. T shows six sentences on the WB. T tells Ss that the sentences are not correct. T does the 1st one on the WB, T tells to the Ss "with your groups correct the sentences". T chooses Ss from each group to correct the 5 sentences. If necessary T does an error correction.

Practise 3 (3-5 minutes) • To provide controlled written practice focused on using the language accurately

- T chests the HO. Tells Ss to work with their pairs. Ss paircheck. T shows the answers on the WB. Ss check T asks CCQs.

Practise 4 (6-10 minutes) • To provide freer oral practice and use the language productively

- T chests the HO. T shows the two images and tells Ss they will look at the pictures and try to find six differences with their pair's picture. T tells "do not show your picture to your pair". Ss talk, T monitors and when they finish does the error correction on the board.

Practise 5 (10-15 minutes) • To provide freer written practise and use the language productively

- T puts "bedroom", "living room", "dining room" on the board. T makes 3 groups. T gives each group different colored papers. T explains the game. Group 1 will be "bedroom", group 2 will be "living room", group 3 "dining room". Each group will write 6 sentences that describe the objects in that room. Three sentences have to be positive, three sentences have to be negative. Ss can look to the images that are on the walls. Ss have to write grammatically correct sentences. Ss will have one person to write and one person to put the sentences on the wall/board. T shows the game by doing an example for the nonexistent category, "bathroom". The first group who puts six sentences under the category with no errors finishes and gets chocolates.

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