İdil Eser İdil Eser

A2 Elementary level


In this lesson, students will learn and practise given adjectives according to the reading text. They will enhance their reading and speaking skills.


Abc 2nd HO
Abc 3rd HO Gist/detailed Reading
Abc 4th HO
Abc 3A Exercises HO
Abc Image of a house
Abc 3 images for the vocab exercise
Abc images of luxury houses

Main Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about houseswap

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of adjectives


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T shows an image of a house on the WB. Asks Ss what they see and asks them to describe the house. - T shows 3 different images for the vocabulary "big, new, noisy, quiet, small, old". T elicits the words from the Ss. T shows "cottage" "hospital" and "airport" pictures with the adjectives to teach these words before the gist reading.

Prediction task (3-5 minutes) • To encourage Ss to predict/think about content of the text and give them a reason to read the text

- T chests HO. T tells Ss to do exercise 1 match the words with their opposites. Ss will do it alone. They will have 30 seconds and then they will PC. T shows the exercise on the board, chooses 4 Ss and checks the answers on the board. - T unfolds the HO. T tells to read the text (exercise 2). After Ss are finished T tells Ss "Now we will listen to Jane and underline the words she says." T checks if there is a need for listening again. If yes, Ss listen again. Ss PC. T shows the exercise on the board, chooses 4 Ss and checks the answers on the board. - T chests the HO. T tells Ss to with your pairs talk about your house. T demos the exercise with a strong student. T: "I live in a "flat" on Eşitler Street. It's in Istanbul. It's lovely and old. I like it." T gives the HO. S does the same and T tells Ss to talk with their partners.

Pre-teach vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • To pre-teach lexis needed to help students understand the task

- T shows 3 images of luxury houses. T asks Ss to describe the houses. T tells Ss that they can go on holiday one of these houses. T asks which one and why. When Ss answer T assigns each house to 3 Ss and writes their name under the houses. - T chests 2nd HO. T tells Ss to read the text alone. While Ss read T writes "house swap" on the board. After reading T shows "house swap" on the board and asks Ss what it means. T tries to elicit the word. T asks CCQs to Ss by asking "Person A has this house, Person B has this house." (referring to the names and houses on the board) "Person A will you swap your house with Person B?" "Person B will you swap your house with Person C?" "Person C will you swap your house with Person A?" T draws two-wayed arrows for each swapping and tells the meaning.

While-Reading #1 (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

- T chests HO. T tells Ss to read the text and match homes 1-5 to the photos A-F. T tells Ss to do it alone. Ss have 2 minutes. T asks CCQs. "How many homes do we have?" "How many pictures do we have?" Are we doing this alone or together?" T shows the images on the board. Ss check in pairs. T chooses 5 Ss for the answers. They write the answers then WCFB.

While-Reading #2 (3-6 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

- T chests HO. T asks Ss to read the text and write T for true and F for false for 8 sentences on the paper. Ss do it alone. They have 2 minutes. T asks ICQs. "How many sentences do we have?" "Do we write T for true?" "Do we write F for false?" "Are we doing it alone or together?" T shows the sentences on the board. Ss check in pairs. T chooses 8 Ss. Ss write the answers on the board then WCFB.

Post-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

- T regroups the Ss. T shows the five homes on the HO. T tells "With your groups talk which of the five homes on Houseswap would you choose for the holidays? And why?"

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