malak malak

Family life
intermediate level


the aim of the lesson is based on the productive skill, so my students will be dealing with talking about their family and asking each others.


Abc Handout a
Abc handout b
Abc Handout c
Abc handout d
Abc handout e

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of family

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about Changing-for the better? in the context of Family Life survey.


Lead in (5-7 minutes) • To activate students existing knowledge of the topic.

I will draw a family members schema on the white board and explain the relationships between all the members. After that, I will ask them to work in pair, give them 3 pictures to describe and wait for their feedback and see whether they employ the words used in the first explaination.

Preparing to speak (8-10 minutes) • To provide learners with a model of the task.

I will ask my students to work in pair, give them the hand out -b to explain the difference between two words. When they will finish, I will ask them to give me their answers while I will be correcting the definitions if needed, and writing the word on the whiteboard with its transcription to make it easy for them to pronounce it and use the drilling as well so they can remember the word.

Useful Language (12-15 minutes) • the speaking task

I will ask my students a question as a warm up, to have their point of view about people living independently without their parents, give them statistics with the text 'Changing -for the better'?' and ask them to work in groups to start filling in the text with some statistics. I will not correct their answers but, I will play an audio of the text recorded so they can check and correct their answers alone.

Speaking task (2-3 minutes) • For learners to practice their oral fluency in relation to the subject 'Family'

I will ask a volunteer to stand up next to the board, think about someone from his family but don't say it until the rest of the students guess it and figure it out by asking different questions. For example; When is the person born? Where does the person live? is the person a woman or a man? Is the person working or retired? How old is the person?...

Feedback (8-8 minutes) • To allow learners to compare results of the task

The students will work in small groups and give their opinions and reasons about some statements of the handout -e, then compare their answers with the other group.

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