Artem Artem

Teaching Practice 1
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will be provided with a number of grammar exercises to practice Present Simple Yes/No-Questions, after which speaking practice for fluency will follow.


Abc Cut up grammar exercise 1
Abc Cut up grammar exercise 3
Abc Audio Track 1.38
Abc Q-Prompt List for Stages 5 and 6

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of Present Simple Yes/No-Questions with short answers in the context of My Friends&Me

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Simple Present Y/N-Q in the context of My Friends&Me


Stage 1 Lead-In (2-3 minutes) • To prepare Ss for ex.1 and 2.

T shows a photo of a man and a woman talking. He asks his students what these people might be talking about. Then he tells the group that part of their conversation is given in ex.1, and Ss just need to help speakers to sound correct.

Stage 2. Controlled Practice: Question-Building (9-10 minutes) • To check if students understood the difference between DO and DOES and if they understand the structure of the Y/N-Q.

Ss write sentences adding do or does to the provided parts of questions. T: "So, let's see how much you remember about questions. (hands out the task papers) Please, look at the lines I gave you. (7-10 sec) Who can tell me what is wrong with these questions? (...) Now, use the lines and make correct questions. What should we do? (...) Yes, just add do or does, ok?" Ss write for ab.3 minutes. Meanwhile T divides the WB into halves by drawing a vertical line in the middle. T: "Ready? Good. Now, guys, I need two volunteers. Any ideas who a volunteer is? A volunteer is a person who always wants to do anything you ask him. Write a sentence? - AY! Go to the market? - Ay! Who wants to do some extra work tonight? - Me! Me! Pick me! - THAT'S what we called a volunteer. So, who wants to be a volunteer now? I need two people to come up here and write their sentences on the board! (...) Wow! So many! Hmm! Let me see. I will throw two balls. Paper balls. Here we are. Those of you who catch the balls are the lucky ones, ok?" Two lucky ones come up and write their answers - one writes Part 1, another - Part 2. Ss look, check and correct.

Stage 3. Listening for Details (3-4 minutes) • To provide Ss with detailed listening

Ss listen to the conversation and mark the sentences as having been answered positively or negatively. T: "And now, remember we have these two here? (shows the photo again) This lady and this gentleman are talking about something. They are talking about their friends. And! They answer these questions (shows the hand out with Ex.1). Do they see us? No, they don't. But WE see them. and WE can listen to them. Let's listen to them carefully and write down their answers. If they say YES, you put a TICK next to the question (ticks a sentence on the board), if they say NO, put a CROSS (marks a sentence with a cross). So, what will we do when we hear YES? (...) NO? (...) Good! Listen.

Stage 4. PW Listening-based discussion (6-7 minutes) • To practice short answers for Y/N-Qs

Pointing at the man in the photo, teacher asks the sample question from Ex.3. S (Ss) can read the sample answer or try to produce their own based on their markings next to the questions in Ex.1. T points at the woman and reads the second sample question. S (Ss) answer. Now Ss are asked to work in pairs and check their answers to Ex.2. After that organize a WCF.

Stage 5. PW Personal information discussion (5-7 minutes) • To practice asking and answering Y/N-Qs

Ss are given the personal Y/N-Q prompts. Working in pairs, they ask and answer 10 questions. They don't need to rewrite the questions (there is no time for that) but they should mark their partner's answers with ticks or crosses. T: "Well, my friends, now I will give you new papers. Here they are. (distributes the papers) Which letter can you see at the top? A or B? Ok, Bs raise your hands, please. (pairs As with Bs) Now you have lists of things you can do together with your friends. Look at them. Read them. (10 sec) Read the example. Think how you can make other questions. Do not write anything. Now, interview your partner, ask him or her questions about the activities in your list and write your answers as TICKs for YES, and CROSSES for NO. Are we writing anything? (...) No, just ticks or crosses." T monitors writing down some errors which may need correction here and now.

Stage 6. Speaking: My friends and his friends (7-10 minutes) • To practice affirmative sentence building based on the answers to Y/N-Qs from Stage 5

Ask Ss B to change their partner (say, to the one on the left). In new pairs Ss exchange information about their previous partners according to the markings done at Stage 5. T (after the re-pairing): "Now tell your new partner about the person who answered your questions. (goes to one S) For ex., Metin, do you cook with your friends? (no) (goes to another S) Metin doesn't cook with his frineds. Do you need to ask any questions now? (...) No, you just need to tell. Do you need to tell about yourselves? (...) No, about another person." T monitors writing down some errors which may need correction here and now.

Stage 7. Dealing with Errors (5-7 minutes) • To help students to avoid some common grammar mistakes

On the board, T writes some sentences he has heard from the students. Some of them are grammatically correct and some are not. Ask students to work in pairs. They are supposed to try to identify the mistakes and correct them. Then ask representatives from each pair to come up to the board in turns and correct sentences one by one (or just tick them if no correction needed).

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