Leigh Davidson Leigh Davidson

Diet and Exercise: Health Lesson Part 2
Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate, Prep Speaking level


This is the second part of a 2-part lesson on the subject of health. In this lesson Ss will continue to think about and discuss the importance of a healthy lifestyle, focusing on diet and exercise in the Ss' lives and how a balanced (or unbalanced) approach to both will impact their health. Three distinct reading tasks will guide the discussion to focus on trend dieting and exercise, as well as assist the Ss to think about the diets of young people and brainstorm on how to motivate them to choose healthier options.


Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with the opportunity for freer-speaking practice within the context of diet and exercise and their role in a healthy lifestyle

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Ss with the opportunity to practice their gist and detailed reading skills from 3 distinct reading tasks, of varying difficulty level and word length


Warmer/Lead-in: Junk Food (10-12 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Write on the WB EATING HABITS. Underneath the heading, divide the WB into 3 sections (BREAKFAST, LUNCH, and DINNER). Elicit from the WC their general food choices for these 3 meals of the day. Write some of the Ss' answers on the WB. Ask if anyone 'snacks' between these meals, and if so, what do they prefer/choose for their snacks. Elicit from the WC what is their favorite food and why they like it so much. Elicit from the WC what they consider their most unhealthy eating habit. Provide an example for assistance: "Sometimes I like to eat a large bowl of french fries, with lots of ketchup and mayonnaise, before I go to bed, usually while watching a show on t.v, This is the worst thing you can do for your metabolism." Following WC discussion, instruct the Ss, in groups, to come up with at least 2 alternative, healthier options for their most unhealthy eating habit (e.g. eating an apple with peanut butter instead of French Fries, or doing yoga instead of sitting and watching tv). Following GW discussion bring the WC together for FB.

Exposure: Junk Food (15-18 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

Write on the WB JUNK FOOD. Elicit from the WC their interpretation of this term and what specific foods are labeled under this category. Write some of the Ss answers on the WB. Try to elicit an explanation (a reasoning) for why these types of foods are considered 'junk.' "Is junk food really bad for you? Or, is it just a tasty, fun alternative to healthy food?" "Why do you think junk food is so popular, especially for children and young adults?" Present the WC with the option of eating Cheetos over an apple right now. Highlight how unhealthy the majority of the answers are. "So what can we do to help and motivate us to choose the apple over the bag of chips?" Instruct the Ss, in groups, to come up with one idea of how to motivate (or make/force) children to choose the healthier option over junk food. Bring the groups together for WC FB. Write any interesting/creative or plausible suggestions on the WB. Write on the WB FAST FOOD. Elicit from the WC what they think are the main differences between 'fast food' and 'junk food.' Explain in your own words if the answer is not adequately provided.

Productive Task: Reading Task on Junk Food (14-17 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Inform the Ss that in 2006, Glasgow City Council (a city in the UK) came up with a very creative method to help children, in secondary schools, choose the healthier option for their lunch. Instruct the Ss to read, in pairs, the article on Glasgow City's healthy eating scheme for secondary schools. "Based on this article, what motivates the Ss to eat healthier? Do you think this scheme would have worked for you as well when you attended secondary (middle) school?" Following reading and PW discussion, bring the class together for WC FB. Expand the conversation with some more questions. --"Do you agree with the Glasgow City Council's 'healthy eating' scheme? Do you think city councils should be concerned with the eating habits of their younger population?" --"Should junk food companies be allowed to advertise near schools or during television programs watched by children? Or, should there be limits on junk food advertisements for children (just like the restrictions placed on tobacco advertising)?"

Lead-In and Exposure: Diet (10-13 minutes) • To set context and engage students

Write on the WB DIET. Elicit from the WC if they are familiar with any trendy/popular diets. Write the Ss' answers on the WB. Write some current examples on the WB for assistance: DUKAN (lots of protein and low carbs and fats; meat and veggies diet), KETO (low carb and high fat diet--all about the glucose levels in your blood), and PALEO (high protein, high fiber, high saturated fats, high potassium, and low carbs and sodium). "What are some of the reasons for why a person may decide to diet?" Write some of the Ss' REASONS on the WB. Possible Answers: to lose weight; to gain weight; physical appearance; to improve endurance or stamina or mental alertness; food allergies; health reasons such as lowering blood pressure or cholesterol levels. "From this list, what is the most common reason for dieting? Why do you think that?" Elicit from the WC their general thoughts on dieting. "Do you think that dieting is good (healthy) for the body or not? Do you think that people your age diet too much? Do you think that people your teacher's age (or your parent's age) diet too much?"

Productive Task: Reading Task on Diet Fads (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Write on the WB DIET FAD. Explain to the WC that a fad is something that is popular--a trend. Refer back to the previous discussion on the popular diets that the Ss are familiar with. Highlight those diets that can be considered 'diet fads.' Divide the WC into groups and inform the Ss that each group is going to read about a specific diet fad (a popular diet). "Read about your diet fad and in your group, determine what you can, and can't eat, in this diet and why someone would choose this diet to lose weight." Following reading and discussion, bring the groups together for WC FB. Write the name of the diet on the WB (7-DAY CABBAGE SOUP DIET; WARRIOR DIET; BANANA DIET; and ATKINS DIET) and its key features while groups are sharing their information. Allow the Ss time to respond to each others' 'diet fad.' "Based on this information (reference the WB), which diet would you like to try? Which diet do you think would be the best one for losing weight and keeping that weight from returning?"

Lead-In and Exposure: Exercise (8-10 minutes) • To set context and engage students

Write on the WB EXERCISE. "What are some ways that we can exercise?" Write some of the Ss' answers on the WB. Try to elicit details from the Ss for each form of exercise (how is it completed/conducted). Elicit from the WC who exercises regularly and how often. Ask if any of the Ss have any favorite exercises. Write on the WB REASONS. Elicit from the WC some reasons for why a person might choose to exercise. Possible Answers: to lose weight; physical appearance; for their career; to improve one's health (i.e. lower blood pressure or cholesterol levels); to prepare for old age; to improve and maintain flexibility.

Productive Task: Reading Task on Wacky Workouts (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Write on the WB FITNESS CRAZE. Try to elicit a meaning for this phrase from the WC--refer back to 'diet fad' if no adequate answer is provided. Instruct the WC that each group is going to read about a specific 'fitness craze.' Write on the WB WACKY WORKOUT and beneath the heading, list the exercise trends from the 'Wacky Workouts' HO: " Stiletto Strength; Beat up your Boss; Bikram Yoga; Plastic Wrapping; Hawaii Chair; Tweet What You Eat; Exergaming; and Zumba." Elicit from the WC what they think these exercises might involve (physically) and what might be the pros and cons associated with each workout. "Read about your 'wacky workout' and in your group, come up with a description for this form of exercise and determine why it is considered not normal (i.e. 'wacky'). List what you think is beneficial, and what is detrimental/harmful, about your unique and creative method for exercising." Following reading and discussion, bring the groups together for WC FB. Provide time for Ss to respond to each others' 'wacky workouts.' "Which of these workouts (reference the WB) do you consider the 'wackiest'? Which of these workouts would you be willing to try and why?" If there is interest in the topic, ask some follow-up questions: --"Why is there a constant need to change how we exercise? And why do we invent such weird ways to exercise? Why would someone prefer to do Pilates in heels rather than just a normal aerobic run?" --Describe the 'crawling craze' for fitness centers and allow time for Ss to verbally respond to this current fitness trend.

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