Roya Roya


Abc Handouts

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a debate in the context of the whole semester

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of the whole semester


Warmer/Lead-in (3-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will greet ss. T will ask ss for their homework. T will review the previous lessons.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

T will ask ss to open their book. Ss will be required to do the remaining tasks. T will solve their problems if they got some.

Task (8-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T will play a game with ss. T writes on the board an activity like "brush your teeth." S/He picks one student, they come to the front of the class. The T then shows the S a card with an adverb written on it, such as "slowly". The chosen student then does the activity in the way of the adverb. The other Ss have to guess the adverb. The one who guesses right gets a point and mimes the next action which the teacher writes on the board. To help them you can give them a list of options, if you think they need some help.

Planning (6-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to plan students' reports

First, have your Ss make some paper airplanes. Stand the Ss in a line and let them test fly their planes. For the competition, assign different classroom objects points (e.g. table 5 points, door 10 points, trash can 20 points). Ask a S a question and if s/he answers correctly then s/he can throw and try to hit one of the target objects to win points. This works well as a team game.

Report (6-8 minutes) • To allow students to report on how they did the task and how it went

after playing the second game, T will show the ss their scores they've got from answering the questions.

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