Nurten Canas Nurten Canas

Future plan "going to be" and present continuous. TP4
Pre -Internediate level


In this lesson, T will be elicit future plan "going to" and present continuous. .T will show SS some NGO's (Non Governmental Organisation's) photos to set the context. Then T will elicit future plan " going to" and present continuous .T will give SS the meaning, form future plan “going to” and present continuous. Then T will pronounce "gonna" . SS will practice about it. T will give SS a reading text . SS will guess, what photo is , what she is doing, what is inside of the box. Then SS will carefully read the text and answer the questions according to text. SS will improve their reading skill through detailed reading during this activity.


Abc HO prepared by T
Abc Global pre -Int CB , Unit 3, P.139
Abc Global pre -Int CB , Unit 3, P.45
Abc Global pre -Int CB , Unit 3, P.45 ( T modified reading part)
Abc Photos of NGO

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of future plan " going to "

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide reading practise through a text


Lead in - warm up (2-3 minutes) • To set context of planned future events

T will tell SS "In this lesson, we are going to talk about our future plans and practice " going to" and present continuous.. T will show some NDO (Non Governmental Organisations) photos. ( AKUT, TEV, GREENPEACE etc.). T will tell SS they help people who needs and they are going to help people in the future.

Speaking (5-7 minutes) • To provide SS practice using " going to"

T will give HO. SS will ask "What is your plan on Saturday and Sunday?" at least 3 students in class. SS will write the names of students and their answers on the HO. ICQs How many students will you ask this question? 3 students Will you write down your partner's answer? Yes For FB, T will ask SS " Who wants to tell us what Metin's(Saime's.) plan is on Saturday"

Introduction grammar (11-14 minutes) • To clarify grammar subject " going to"

During the grammar stage, SS will practice future plan "going to" and present continuous about their planned future events. In the context, "going to" is used to talk about planned and decided intention to do in the future. And present continuous is used to talk about planned and arranged events to do in the future.. T wil write a sentence " I am going to travel to Egypt next year." on the WB. T will draw a timeline and mark a spot in the future, a spot now , a spot in the past . T will tell SS " I have decided to travel to Egypt .I have planned it.I haven't traveled to Egypt yet .I will travel to Egypt next year. And I dont know the exact date when I will travel to Egypt. I dont have any arrengements exp: I didnt buy my ticket. I didnt book my hotel." CCQs Did I plan to Egypt before? Yes Have I traveled to Egypt? No Will I travel ? Yes Have I arranged anything for my trip ?No. Do I know the exact date when I will travel? No Then T will write one more sentence (present continuous). " I am traveling to Egypt next year." T will tell SS " I have decided to travel to Egypt , I have planed it. I am sure that I will travel to Egypt. I haven't traveled to Egypt yet. I know the exact date. I've bought my ticket and I've booked my Hotel. I've arranged everything" CCQs : Do I know the exact date when I will travel? Yes. Have I arranged everything? Yes Have I bought my ticket and booked my hotel? Yes Have I traveled to Egypt? No Will I travel to Egypt ? Yes. Then T will write the forms of "going to " on the WB. (+) S + am/is/are + going to + V1+ complement (-) S + am/is/are +not+ going to + V1+ complement. (?) Am/is/are + S + going to+V1+ complement.? Then T will write the forms of present continuous on the WB. (+) S + am/is/are + V1+ ing+ complement (-) S + am/is/are +not+V1+ing+ complement. (?) Am/is/are + S +V1+ing+ complement.? T will tell SS " we use 'going to' in written language and we use 'gonna' in spoken language." T will pronounce SS "gonna" /ˈɡənə/ SS will do ex:2 and 3 (Global Book Pre-Int. page 139) and will coplete the sentences using the correct form of "going to" and correct form the present continuos on their own. For FB, T will check ex:2 (page:139) with WC and T will give SS the answer key for ex:3 (page :139)

Grammar exercises (7-10 minutes) • to provide practising "going to"

T will give page 45 (Global Pre-Int CB) and SS will do ex:1 on their own. When they finish ex:1 T will write the answers of ex:1 on WB. Then SS will do ex:2 on their own. T will write the answer key for ex:2 on the board. Then SS will do ex 3 . This is a pair work. They will work in pairs and ask each other the questions from ex 2. For FB, T will ask SS questions form ex2 and get SS' own answers.

Pre - Reading (3-4 minutes) • To prepare SS for the text

T will show SS the photo on page 45 and will tell SS " please look at the photo and try to guess who she is, what is inside of the box, what she is doing". This is a GW. T will get FB from WC.

Reading (8-10 minutes) • To develop awareness of reading

SS will read the text if they don't know the meaning of some words in the text they can look at the vocabulary list. There are 4 questions. SS will answer these questions according to the text.This is a pair work. 1- What was in Pandora's box ? - All problems of the world were in Pandora's box 2- What was the one trouble she didn't let out of the box? -It was hope. 3-Why didn't she want to let hope into the world.? -Because she thought that hope was dangerous. 4- Did she finally let out hope? -Yes she did. For FB, T will tell SS " Who wants to answer the first,(second, third,forth) question ?"

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