Seda Seda



In this lesson Ss are going to learn and practice the simple present and continous , action and non-action verbs. They are going to be practiced with controlled and semi-controlled activities. At the end of the lesson, for free practice a speaking activity is going to be used.


Pygydutwtb2ow3vyxbrq ho3 HO3
0zzn1qy7qdggwdzov6kx ho2 HO2
Efwqu5g2qkqgafmbeis0 ho4 HO4

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the present simple and the present continuous tense; action and non-action verbs in the context of an interview

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of restaurant


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Remind Ss the interview with Steve (a chef) that Ss listened in the previous lesson. Ask them what they remember? Ask questions: "What is Steve's job? a chef Where is his restaurant? in Spain. Does he prefer Spainish or British customers? He prefers Spainish cutomers. Why? Because Spainish customers are honest and they say what they think.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a listening text

Tell Ss to listen to some of the things Steve said. Ask them to circle the correct form in each sentence. ICQs: "Will you listen something? Yes. Will you answer the questions or circle the correct form? circle the correct form. Feedback: Have Ss do peer-check. Instructions: "Steve chose one of these forms. Discuss why you think Steve chose each form. Why is the other form wrong? " Show the answers via OHP on WB.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Show the answers of the excercise. Elicit the reasons of the answers. For checking understanding use CCQs and timeline. Drill the contractions chorally.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Deliver Ss HO2. Instructions: "Work individually. Circle the correct form. " Feedback: Put them in pairs and have them check their answers. As a WC FB, elicit the answers from students. Put two words (non-action and action verbs) on the walls before the lesson. Put Ss into groups. Deliver a set of action and non-action verbs to the groups. Before delivering them, give the instructions: "there are some non-action and action verbs here. Now look at them and paste them under non-action or action verbs on the walls. You will be the winners if you finish it correctly first." ICQs: "Will you work together? Yes Can all of you stick them on the walls? Yes Will you be slow? No"

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Show Ss Ho3 and tell them to make questions with the present simple or continuous. Elicit that those under on a typical day are habitual actions, so should be present simple: " Look at those under on a typical day. They are habitual actions. So what should we use? The simple present or present continuous? The simple present.Look at the ones under at the moment/ nowadays. Are they in progress? Yes. If the verbs are action verbs, can we use the present continuous tense? Yes. If the verbs are action verbs, can we use the present continuous tense? No. What should we use then? The present simple. After focusing on the question prompts, tell them to make sentences on their own. Feedback: Have Ss do peer-check that they are forming the questions correctly. Do WC FB by asking their answers. Ask them to stand up and ask each other these questions.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Put Ss in pairs (as A and B) , ideally face to face and give out HO4. Make sure that Ss can't see each other's sheets. Instructions: "You both have the same picture. But there are ten differences between them. If you are Student A, Describe your restaurant picture to your partner.If you are student B, describe your kitchen to your partner. Mark the differences on your pictures." Do a demo if necessary. ICQs: "Will you show your pictures to your partner? no How do you learn the differences? by telling about your pictures Will you use the simple present or present continuous tense? the present continuous tense. Feedback: Ss will check their pictures to identify the differences. As a WC FB, ask them tell their differences orally. If time activity: Show extra activity via OHP and ask Ss to write its answers on WB.

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