Sara Metz Sara Metz

TP7: Listening
Elementary level


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Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have practiced their listening for gist and specific information

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have practice using functional language collocations related to hobbies


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T ask Ss what they did over the weekend, eliciting the idea of what they like to do--hobbies. (1 minute) T tells Ss to write down their hobbies (1 minute), then writes model sentence on the board: "I like to ______________." Ss share their hobbies with their partner, using the model sentence to discuss (1 minute). T monitors to see if students use the examples to be introduced during the lesson, seeing if students are aware of appropriate collocations with hobbies (take notes of their favorite hobbies, can provide correct collocations during controlled practice). 2/3 students share their favorite hobbies (1 minute).

While-Listening #1 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with a gist listening task

T: "Now, LISTEN [gesture to ear] to the HOBBIES of two people: Aisha and Mehmet." ICQ: How many people are there? (2) (What are their names?) ICQ: What will they talk about? (hobbies) (For example... [use S examples]) ICQ: What will you do while I read? (listen) (1 minute) [gesture to ear] After Ss answer ICQs, T: "Aisha and Mehmet are very different [gesture: spread hands apart]. While you listen, think [gesture to head]: Are you like Aisha or are you like Mehmet?" [writes question on WB, as well as "Aisha" on one half and "Mehmet" on the other half (start of scaffolding for later task)]. (1 minute) T reads aloud Aisha's passage (1 minute). CCQ: Does Aisha like music? (yes) Is she artistic (artistik) and creative (yaratici)? (yes) T reads aloud Mehmet's passage [can mimic male voice at first for laugh?] (1 minute). CCQ: Does Mehmet like sports? (yes) Is he active (aktif)? (yes) T writes "I am more like Aisha because... (ex. I like to go shopping). I am more like Mehmet because... (ex. I like to play football)." Ss discuss in pairs if they are more like Aisha or Mehmet (2 minutes). T asks 2/3 students to share.

While-Listening #2 (12-15 minutes) • To provide students with a specific information listening task

T clears WB and draws chart separating "Aisha" from "Mehmet": "Now, listen again to Aisha and Mehmet's hobbies. WRITE [gesture] all the HOBBIES you HEAR [gesture]." [writes first example for both on chart] ICQ: What will you write? (hobbies) Will you write EVERY hobby you hear? (yes) T: "I will read about their hobbies twice." (2 minutes) T reads again (SLOWLY) about Aisha and Mehmet's hobbies (6 minutes). Ss compare lists with their partner (1-2 minutes). T asks students to fill in the chart on the board, completes with missing answers (2 minutes).

Post-Listening Clarification (5-10 minutes) • To clarify meaning/pronunciation/form so students understand it

T asks Ss to stand, then checks comprehension of meaning by asking Ss to mime select hobbies (listen to music, play guitar, go jogging, play piano). If Ss don't participate in activity, T mimes two options for each hobby (one correct, one incorrect), and asks Ss "Like this? Or this?" (1-2 minutes) T writes phrases and drills pronunciation for "play piano," "play guitar," "go jogging," "go out with friends." Attn to weak sounds ("r" in guitar- UK), "th" sound in "with," intrusive "w" in "go out") [SEE LANGUAGE ANALYSIS FOR DETAILED INFO]. Mark phonetics, stress, and intrusive sounds on WB, drill pronunciation, do back-chaining for "I like to go out with my friends." (4-8 minutes)

Post Listening Task (5-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T creates four groups, indicates to the four words on the walls (play, go, listen, watch). T: "Now, MATCH the HOBBIES [hold up the sets of words on the paper sets] with the correct VERB on the wall." ICQ: What is on these papers [chest]? (hobbies) ICQ: What is on the wall [point]? (verbs) ICQ: What will you do? (match) (What will you do with the hobbies?) (1-2 minutes) T distributes the words, Ss stick their colored words with the correct verb. WC discussion of answers, esp. incorrect words. T reads relevant sentence from listening passage for any incorrect collocations. (3-4 minutes)

Controlled Practice (5-15 minutes) • To provide controlled practice focused on using the language accurately

IF RUNNING SHORT ON TIME: T: "Now, TALK to your partner about your hobbies." [point to model sentence on board: "I like to _____." Clarify structure of sentence: "I like to" + infinitive phrase. Add "On the weekend," "At night," and "Every day" to provide more context for Ipek and Mahboubeh's lessons using adverbs of frequency] ICQ: What will you TALK about? (hobbies) ICQ: [point to model structure on WB] Will you use this sentence? (yes) (2 minutes) Ss discuss their hobbies with their partners. If time, can switch partners for further discussion. (2-5 minutes) IF-TIME: T: "Now, WRITE 3-5 sentences about your hobbies." [point to model sentence on board: "I like to _____." Clarify structure of sentence: "I like to" + infinitive phrase. Add "On the weekend," "At night," and "Every day" to provide more context for Ipek and Mahboubeh's lessons using adverbs of frequency] ICQ: How many sentences will you write? (3-5) ICQ: [point to WB] Will you use this sentence? (yes) (2 minutes) Ss write sentences (2 minutes), then give their papers to T, who reads some aloud and Ss guess who wrote the sentences. (3-10 minutes)

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