Aicha Bouchara Aicha Bouchara

TP 7a
A2 (Pre-Inter) level


In this lesson, Ss will learn about relative clauses using the relative pronouns 'who / which / that'. They will be introduced to the meaning, form and pronunciation of this target language. This will be achieved within the context of films / movies. The controlled and free practices will consolidate Ss' accuracy and fluency of the TL.


Abc Jumbled Cards
Abc Fold your arms
Abc 4 Pictures of actors
Abc Form HO

Main Aims

  • Grammar: To provide clarification of defining relative clauses using the relative pronouns who / which / that in the context of films

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking: Ss will practice talking about types and titles of films / series and justify their choice of the best film of all time using the TL


Exposure (2-3 minutes) • Introduce the target language in context

The teacher sticks to the wall the pictures of 4 actors that look quite similar. Each picture contains a number without the name of the actor. T says the following descriptions along with stressing the relative pronouns: - I'm thinking about one of these people. - He's an actor who has a beard. - He acted in many famous films. - The film which I like the most is Shutter Island. - The story is about an American officer who investigates a case in a hospital. - This actor has another film that I like. It's called Titanic. Ss should recognize that the T is talking about Leonardo Dicaprio; especially after the last sentence. In case they don't, T may reveal the name.

Highlighting the TL (5-10 minutes) • Ss will discover the meaning, form and pronunciation of the TL

1. Clarification of meaning: On the WB, T writes the two sentences below and elicits the relative pronouns: 1. Leo is an actor __________ has a beard. (who / that) 2. The film ___________ I like the most is Shutter Island. (which / that) CCQs: For sentence 1: • Does Leo have a moustache? (no) • Is he the one with a beard? (yes) • Does the beard describe his face? (yes) For sentence 2: • Is my favourite film the Wolf of Wall Street?(no) • Which film do I like among all his films? (Shutter Island) • Does Shutter Island describe the film I like the most? (yes) 2. Clarification of Form - Before each marker sentences, T writes these 2 sentences and uses an arrow to show the change: 1. Leo is an actor. Leo has a beard. 2. I like the film the most. The film is Shutter Island. - T asks Ss: “Why do you think we use this word (point to relative pronoun) in the sentences (pointing to the marker sentences)? (to avoid repetition + link sentences + make sentences shorter) - T chests HO "You're going to fill the missing words and circle the right answer. You have 2 min." -FB: Pair check. Give 1 answer key to a pair so they can check together. Ask if Ss have any questions. Clarification of Pronunciation: - T pronounces the marker sentence and elicits where the stress lies (which words?) then marks it on the WB. - T draws Ss attention to the liaison using the finger technique and drill the connected words. - Then, using backchaining, T drills the whole sentence. The same technique will be used for the second marker sentence. 1. Leo is an actor who / that has a beard. /ˈliː.əʊz/ /huːəz/ /ðærhæz/ 2. The film which / that I like the most is Shutter Island. /wɪtʃ/ /ðæraɪ/ /məʊstiz/

Practice: Jumbled Cards (5-6 minutes) • Ss will practice the accuracy of the TL

- Instruction: Ss are given 3 sets of cards containing cut up relative clauses. They need to match the beginnings with the endings based on the meaning. Then, they need to place the correct relative pronoun from the card set in the middle. - This is a GW activity: Divide Ss in two teams. One team sits in a circle on the right of WB + Other team sits in a circle on the left of WB. - Once they've decided on the order, Ss from each team walk to the corners opposing the WB (there should be no chairs obstructing movement) stick their cards on a side of the wall. "You should take turns to go and stick the cards." Activity should take 3 minutes. + Use music with high spirits. - FB: When time's up, Ss go to check the other teams' answers. - T's FB: Show answer key on the WB for Ss to check their answers. Then, ask how many correct answers each team has. Praise Ss and thank them.

Practice: Fold your arms (6-8 minutes) • Ss will practice the fluency of the TL

- T Demonstrates the game: Ss are given cards which include types of films and titles. Ss define the words using defining relative clauses. This is to be played in groups of 3 to 4. One S picks a card, looks at it, places the cards face down, folds her arms (to stop them from miming and encourage them to use words) and describes the item using who / that / which. The other S or Ss need to guess the person or the object they're talking about. If they guess correctly they win the card, if not the card is discarded. - Students continue to take turns defining the words on the cards until there are no cards left in the pile. The student who collects the most cards by the end of the game is the winner. - Duration of game: 5 min (give Ss enough time to form sentences using relative pronouns and their background knowledge of the items on the cards) - T monitors and picks errors to be dealt with in FB. - FB: Ask each group about who the winner is. Praise Ss and move to error correction if necessary. Remember to elicit correction from Ss.

Practice: Recommend a film (15-17 minutes) • Ss to negotiate opinion and practice fluency

- Instruction 1: In groups of 4, Ss agree about 4 best films of all time. (2-3 min) - Instruction 2: Break down each group in pairs. Now each pair agrees about 1 best film and think about why. (2-3 min) - Instruction 3: "Now you'll talk to another partner about the film you chose and you say why. Try to use at least one sentence that includes a relative pronoun. When I say "cut" you need to change your partner. (5 min) ICQs: *Are you going to tell ur partner the best film you chose only? (No, say why) * Are you using a relative pronoun or not? ( yes) * When I say "cut" what do you do? (change partner) Arrangement: Ss stand up making two lines which face each other. "Make sure you stay with your partner on the same line, don't face each other". - T monitors after the 2nd and 3rd instruction stage to pick up any errors (priority is TL). - When the last stage is over, ask some Ss to report back their best film and why they think so. (T can pick up errors if not done previously) - T shows interest in what Ss' are saying, praises them for their ideas. Then, T moves to correction stage using WB to write the inaccurate sentences and asks Ss to comment on them.

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