Sara Metz Sara Metz

TP6: Speaking
Elementary level


No materials added to this plan yet.

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to talk about their dream future travel plans

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have practiced their listening for gist and detailed comprehension within the context of travel plans


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will put pictures of/from Egypt on the WB and ask students to discuss them in groups of 3 for ~2 minutes. She will then ask them what they discussed and where they think the pictures were taken.

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T will sit down with the students and tell them a story about her planned trip to Egypt. As each part of the story is told, she will show the students a picture of the actions (i.e. riding camels, the pyramids, the temples, etc.). After the story is completed, she will ask the gist question and for students to reflect on the story in pairs, to then be shared with WC. Q: Do you think I am happy about my planned trip? (yes) Why? (said she's excited and that the trip will be great) Q: Do you think you would enjoy any part of the trip? Why?

Useful Language (10-15 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T explains instructions for a fill-in-the blank worksheet: "Listen again to my travel plans and fill in the blanks with what I'm going to do." ICQ: What are we listening to now? ICQ: What will you write in the blanks? T reads story slower, emphasizing the sequential adverbs and answers to the fill-in-the blanks. Ss discuss answers in pairs, then create an answer key on the board. T will draw attention to the sequential adverbs and explain that they help make clear when events happen. T will make a list of the adverbs on the side of the board. T will test S comprehension of the sequential adverbs by showing the lead-in pictures to the class and having them individually match them with the correct phrases. Instructions: "Now, I will show you pictures of planned my trip to Egypt. Choose the activity from the fill-in-the-blanks that correctly matches the picture. For example [shows pictures of pyramids], 'see the pyramids.'" ICQ: What will I show you? (pictures) ICQ: What will you see in the pictures? (activities) ICQ: What will you write? (phrases from the fill-in-the-blanks) T presents each picture, then sticks them on the WB. Ss check answers in pairs, then can check the answer on the back of any pictures they are not sure about.

Productive Task(s) (15-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T instructs students to write notes for their own planned trip: "Now, imagine you are going to take a trip. Write short notes on your paper about where you would go and what you would see." ICQ: What are you writing about? (a trip) ICQ: Are you writing sentences and paragraphs? (no, notes) T monitors and provides additional vocab for students (take about 5 minutes). T then instructs students to use the Egypt story as a guide and talk to their partner about their planned trip: "Now, turn to your partner and tell them about your trip. What will you do first? What will you see? You can look at your notes or the Egypt story while speaking. If you're listening, pay attention since I may ask you questions about your partner's plan after." ICQ: What will you talk to your partner about? (the planned trip) ICQ: What will you use while you're speaking? (notes, Egypt example) ICQ: If you're listening, should you pay attention? (yes) ICQ: Will I ask you questions about your partner's plan? (yes) T monitors to listen for good usage of sequential adverbs and "going to..." Praise lots and make notes for later error correction. For early finishers, T will ask questions about their partner's plans. If time, T will swap partners and have Ss tell their plans again.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-15 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T write errors she heard during the productive task on the WB and asks students to recommend solutions (perhaps in pairs, if possible). T shows the class good examples of sentences, especially using sequential adverbs. With WC, T may ask 1/2 students to share their plans. If additional practice is necessary for sequential adverbs, T will use student examples or examples from the Egypt story and have students place the events on a timeline.

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