Aicha Bouchara Aicha Bouchara

TP 6a
A2 (Pre-Inter) level


In this lesson, Ss are going to review the use of the present perfect simple and continuous with for and since. The context is set through a listening text in which a reported interviews people queueing for Wimbledon tickets. The marker sentences and the review exercise sentences are taken from this listening. Ss will also get to practice the use of the tenses through controlled and free practice.


Abc Prediction Picture
Abc Listening for gist HO
Abc Controlled practice HO
Abc Since / for Labels
Abc Free practice Cards: places

Main Aims

  • To provide review of Present perfect simple and continuous with for and since in the context of queueing for Wimbledon tickets

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening to an interview between a reporter and people queueing for Wimbledon tickets and speaking as a free practice stage


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks Ss the following questions as an open class interaction: 1. Do you guys like sports? 2. What kind of sports do you like? (What about tennis?) 3. Do you watch championships on TV? 4. Which championships do you watch? 5. Do you watch Wimbledon tennis championships? (Place: London + Time: June) 6. Have you ever watched a match live? (if yes, how did you do it? if no, why? or would you like to?) 7. How do people get to watch a match live? what do they have to buy? (tickets) 8. So, can you buy tickets online? 9. What if you don't do it before the event and you want to buy them on the same day, what happens? (wait in the queue, long line)

Pre-Listening: Prediction task (2-3 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening and make it accessible through prediction

T gives the picture on a HO (so Ss can look closely at some details) and projects it on OHP (for a more colorful version). T asks the following questions: 1. look at the picture. What are these people doing? 2. Why are they standing one after the other? 3. They're waiting for what? 4. To buy tickets for what? 5. Ok, what about this guy, who is he? (point to reporter) 6. He works for who? (Tv or radio channel) 7. What's the reported doing? (interviewing people) 8. look at Derek. What's he doing? (looking at the girl?) 9. What about Kati? Who is Kati? (point to book she's holding to elicit English student).

While-Listening: Gist task (2-3 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist

1. Instructions: "We'll listen to 3 interviews between the reporter and some of these people (point to characters in the picture). They are waiting / queuing to get tickets. Listen and try to answer the two questions a and b." 2. ICQ: * How many interviews you will listen to? (3) * You need to answer which questions? ( a and b) 3. T distributes HO first, ask Ss to read the 2 questions silently. 4. ICQ: * In question a, what will you write? (name of people who think they will get in) * What about b? (name of people who think they won't get in) 5. Rready to listen?" Start recording (don't pause). 6. FB: Pair check + WB check: Ss go to the board and write the names of the characters in a or b.

Language Review (3-5 minutes) • Conduct a quick reminder of the TL

1. T elicits marker sentence 1: "Do you remember what Hyacinth told Derek about Kati?" 2. Help Ss by writing on the WB: Hyacinth: "You ____________ at her for ___________." ('ve been looking + hours) 3. CCQs: • Was Derek looking at the girl before the reporter came? (yes) • Is Derek still looking at the girl now? (yes) • Do we know exactly when Derek started looking at the girl? (no) • Is Hyacinth happy about this situation? (no) • Is she complaining about it? (yes) 4. T elicits marker sentence 2: "What about Oona, do you remember what she told the reporter about the time she and Maggy arrived?" 5. Help Ss by writing on the WB: Oona: "We ___________ here since __________ this morning." ('ve been + about eight) 6. CCQs: • When did they arrive to Wimbledon? (at about 8) • Are they still there? (yes) • Will they stay there in the future? (maybe) 7. Highlight the tenses + ask: * Which tense is this? (point to sentence 1 = present perfect continuous) * What about this one (point to sentence 2 = present perfect simple) * Is this verb state or action (point to sentence 1 = action because of -ing) * What about this one, state or action? (point to sentence 2 = state / describes a condition) 8. Highlight the use of for and since + ask: *Does 'since' tell us how long or when it started? (when it started) * What about 'for', how long or when it started (how long / duration)

Controlled Practice of TL (5-8 minutes) • To make sure Ss still remember how to use and form the tenses using for and since

1. Chest HO + Instruction: "You have 5 sentences from the listening. You need to choose the PPS / PPC and also circle for / since. You work in pairs and you have 3 min." 2. ICQs: * You will choose between which tenses? ( PPS / PPC) * You will circle what? (for / since) * You work individually? (No, pairs) 3. T pairs Ss. + Give HO 4. FB: Put Ss in different pairs to check. + Project answer key 5. T's feedback: How many did you get correct? (praise) + Do you have any questions?

Semi-Controlled practice (2-3 minutes) • To practice the use of 'for' and 'since'

1. T places a label 'for' on the right corner of the class and another label 'since' on the left corner. 2. Ask Ss to stand up in the middle. (Try to move the chairs back for an easier movement). 3. Demonstrate: "Ten minutes: Do you think we say I've been waiting since / for 10 min?" (for) + T goes towards the label 'for' 4. "So, you guys do the same, I will tell you a time expression and you decide if it goes with 'for' or 'since'. 5. Time expressions to tell: * July 15th (since) * a week (for) * Monday (since) * 2 years (for) * an hour (for) * 1923 (since) * Kurban Bayrami (since)

Free Practice: Visitor Interview (10-15 minutes) • Written and oral practice of the TL to generate errors

1. Pair Ss, Name Student A and Student B (odd number: put Ss in groups of 3: reporter asking 2 people) 2. Instruction: - Work in pairs and prepare an interview like the one in the listening. (show picture to demonstrate). - Student A: Raise your hands A's.... You guys are reporters. you should prepare 2 questions. - Student B: Raise your hands B's.... You guys are the people standing in a queue at a public place (show cards for public places). You should prepare 2 answers to the questions of As. 3. ICQs: - Student A: who are you? (reporters) + what are you going to do? (write questions) - Student B: who are you? (person queueing) + what are you going to do? (answer the questions) 4. "Now, I will give you cards with the name of the place." T distributes cards. "You have 5 min" 5. Monitor to check Ss are on task then record errors and don't interfere. 6. Instruction: "Now you have 2 min to practice reading your questions and answers to each other because you will do it for all of us" 7. Ss FB: Start by asking an extrovert and stronger pair to perform their interview. Then, ask others. T registers errors (Priority to TL errors) 8. Error correction: T conducts WB correction if necessary. (Elicit correction from Ss) + Drill the accurate sentence. 9. Praise and thank Ss.

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