Lindsay Coyle Lindsay Coyle

Copy of Sharing a Flat
Pre-Intermediate level level


The aim of this lesson is to practice speaking for fluency for ‘describing a person’ within the context of finding a flatmate /sharing a flat. Ss will revise key vocabulary and language for describing a person in order to talk about an ideal flatmate. They will have further practice of the target language through a listening activity. By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and talk about another person’s personality, appearance and likes/dislikes.


Abc Pre-Speaking Vocabulary Handout
Abc Listening for Specific Information and key Language Handout
Abc Describe Someone You Know Template
Abc Speaker Cards

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of finding a flatmate

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information and gist listening practice using a text about describing a person in the context of choosing a new flatmate


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks Ss about their past experiences as university Ss. Ss talks about where they lived or who they lived with.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide necessary vocabulary that the Ss are expected to use in coming tasks through vocabulary practices

T asks Ss to imagine themselves as university Ss again. They are looking for a flatmate (T elicits the word 'flatmate' if necessary) Ss look at the lists of qualities of a good flatmate the T gives and choose 5 of the things that are important for them. Ss do this activity alone. Then Ss compare their answers with their partners using sentences like "I think a flatmate should have similar interests to me". Ss change partners to facilitate more speaking

Useful Language (6-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks through a model listening activity

Robert and gao are roommates living in London. They are looking for a 3rd flatmate. As Robert is away at the moment, Gao is doing the interviews with the candidates and telling Robert about them on the phone. The conversation is about one interview Gao did with a person called Martin. Before listening T checks the understanding of the word 'interview'. Ss first do a listening for gist practice and answer the question of "Does Robert want this person to be the new flatmate?" Then Ss compare their ideas as a group. Ss listens to the conversation again, this time for specific information to complete the gaps in Rober's notes. T the focuses Ss on the key language they hear in the conversation to describe a person. Through gap-fill activities Ss work on how to ask and talk about a person (personality, apperance, likes/dislikes, etc.).

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

PRACTICE 1) Ss choose someone they know, e.g. a friend or a family member and prepares answers for the questions in the previous exercise. Ss use the template T distributes for note-taking. Then Ss asks each other questions like; Who did you choose? Who is this person? • What’s he/she like? (To ask about one’s personality) • What does he/she look like? (To ask about one’s appearance) • What does he/she like? (To ask about one’s likes and dislikes) • Would you like to live with him? (To express opinion about someone) and then change roles. When each pair finishes the activity, they switch partners. PRACTICE 2) T tells Ss to imagine themselves sharing a flat with their partners in London and they are looking for a flat. There are 3 people to choose from; Martin, Isac and Toshi. Student A reads the card about Isac. Student B reads the card about Toshi individually. Then they work in pairs and discuss who to choose for their flat. They use the language in the previous exercises. T also introduces some useful phrases to express opinions such as: "What do you think of ...?" "What about...?" "I like /I don't like .... because ....." "I agree / I disagree." "Yes, you're right." "I'm not so sure about it." Then at the end of the activity, each pair shares their decision with the rest of the class.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T monitors Ss closely during the two tasks and writes down common mistakes. At the end, T writes problematic forms on the board and elicts the correct usage from the Ss.

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