Haya Mawahreh Haya Mawahreh

functional language
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn useful phrases that help them show interest in what the speaker is saying and respond appropriately. They will listen to different situations and classify responses into positive and negative ones. They will also give appropriate responses to situations they will hear. Finally, they will produce their own situations and responses.


Abc HOs, CD track no. 2.23, 2.24, 2.25

Main Aims

  • To use functional language in the context of good and bad news

Subsidiary Aims

  • To listen to get specific information from conversations


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T. says two pieces of news, one good and one bad, and asks Sts to respond to them one by one. T. gives instructions: Ss work in pairs to listen to each other news and respond. T. writes examples of their responses on WB

Listening (8 minutes) • To provide the target language through listening to conversations

T. chests HO Ss work individually to choose the appropriate response. Ss work in pairs to check answers Ss listen to check answers T. asks "Do people in the conversations react in the same way?" How? Ss listen and answer

Highlighting target language (2 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T. chests HO Ss work individually to classify responses into two parts, positive responses and negative responses Ss work in pairs to check answers T. provides them with AK

Clarifying target language (8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T. elicits examples of TL from students based on the conversations they have listened to. T. asks CCQs to clarify the meaning of the TL: Do you say it when you hear happy news? (the answer depends on the response that being discussed good or bad) Do you say it when you hear something bad? Do they express feelings? How? yes. When hearing happy news, we speak louder with rising intonation. When hearing bad news, we speak lower, slower with falling intonation. Is your response different from one situation to another? Yes, depending on the kind of news we hear. Do they have the same form, like a sentence for example? T. highlights the form on WB Ss practice saying different responses with the correct intonation

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide oral controlled practice of TL

T. chests HO Ss work alone to rearrange the conversations Ss work in pairs to check answers T. provides them with AK Ss work in pairs to practice the conversations T. monitors and provides feedback

Semi-Controlled Practice (5 minutes) • To provide further practice and prepare students for freer one

T. gives instructions Ss listen to each piece of news, decide whether it is good news or bad news and respond appropriately. (different student each time)

Freer Practice (7 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

T. gives instructions Ss write their bits of news (good or bad) Ss do a mingle swap. Each student takes another student's piece of news Each student says the piece of news and a partner responds T. monitors, provides DEC if needed

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