ragyah ragyah


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practise of travelling- by-plane lexical chunks in the context of Travelling

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practise less/semi-controlled speaking SB page 44 Ex 1-3


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

ask ss questions like: do you like travelling? have you ever travelled before? where did you go? have you ever been on a plane? if not...would you like to travel by plane? ask students to discuss in pairs the steps they take to travel by plane ( from previous experiences or if they have seen it in a movie or a documentary) starting from arriving at the airport until reaching their destination.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

give the students cards containing the steps of travelling by plane but not in their logical order, have the target vocabulary written in bold and allow students to read individually and try to guess.

Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

divide the class into 2 groups , show pictures on the WB of the steps of travelling by plane in the correct order. Using the cards, each group will discuss and try to put the cards in the corrcet order.

Clarification(5-10 minutes) • To clarify meaning, form and pronunciation of the target vocabulary

I'll mime the actions in every picture shown on the WB and try to elicit the target vocabulary, then i model , drill and highlight stress. Finally i write the word on the board

Controlled Language Practice (8-10 minutes) • to concept check and provide students with practice of the task language

Stop the Bus (Vocabulary Drilling Game) divide class into two teams. Each team will have one person with his/her back to the board. Teacher will write a word on the board and each group will try to explain /mime the word to the person without saying the actual word. The team who guesses the word first would say " stop the bus" and the team would get a point. then the person sitting with his/her back to the board will switch places with another member of his team and try to guess a new word.

follow-up (freer language practice) (5-8 minutes) • to exploite the topic of the text for a productive skill (speaking)

ask students questions like; how can you buy tickets for plane, train or bus travel? how often do you do that? what do you like/dislike about travelling on buses? can you travel to a foreign destinations by bus or train from where you live? which do you prefer? why? then let them discuss in pairs

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