Natalia Coşkun Natalia Coşkun

TP 2, Everyday objects; 'this/that', 'these those' used in positive and question phrases
Beginner level


In this lesson, students continue to work on vocabulary 'Everyday objects', they learn how to tell about some objects (in singular and in plural), which are close to them or being placed far away from them. This lesson starts with some repetition and drilling of things studied before, then students are shown the idea of far/close placed objects. They repeat, drill, then they learn how to use 'this/that', 'these/those' in questions and positive sentences. After that, they do some other controlled practice followed by some communicative tasks at the end.


Abc Hand-outs
Abc Hand-outs
Abc Hand-outs

Main Aims

  • To present and practice the use of this/that and these/those

Subsidiary Aims

  • To revise the vocabulary related to everyday objects as well as plural forms


Warmer/Lead-in (3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Preparation before the lesson: Put some objects already known for students from previous session on a desk in front of you. Then meet the students, ask some questions about themselves in order to relax them and make feel more comfortable. Than show the objects on your desk and say that they may know what these things are. Ask them about objects at you desk (or table), using 'What is this?' and trying to elicit the form 'This is a pen' etc. from them. Use some objects in plural, for example show the students 2 pens and ask: 'What are these?' Try to elicit 'these' from them.

Exposure (10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Show the students the objects, then choose one of them and ask students to repeat after you. Start with question 'What's this?' - they repeat, then ask them to answer using 'This is a...' . Than the same with plural, using 'What are these?' - 'These are..' Drilling game. Give them an example first. Divide them into pairs, ask them to choose 4 objects from their desk. First person should take an object and ask 'What is it? - the other should answer 'This is a ...' They can also take two the same objects at once and ask about them in plural using 'What are these? - These are'... Every person should make 2 questions and give two answers to his/her partner. Then show objects in plural and say first positive: 'These are pens, these are books'. Then ask 'What are these?'. Drill these phrases with students. Ask them to make pairs, give them some real objects which are supposed to be the same (e.g. two pens and two boks) or some flashcards. And tell students to ask each other 'What are these? These are '... Then write this question and answer on the WB. 'What are these? These are pens.' Demonstrate the difference between 'What is this?' and 'What are these?' on the WB very clearly for them, anwer the questions if there are any. Give them the ex. 2., p. 12. McCarthy (2005) Touchstone: Cambridge, Worbook 1. Ask them to check it it pairs, and then make them read the answers loudly. Give the right answers. Drill like that with one or two more objects.

Highlighting (5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Show the examples on the WB. Write the question on one side and the answer on the other side in order to make them understand better the construction of these forms. Do not forget to give the contruction forms as well. What is this? - This is a pen What's this? What are these? - These are pencils.

Clarification (10-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Stop and say game. Then divide the students into two groups. Then we call out the first person from each group. We ask him to turn around facing away from other students in order not to see them. Then give a little object to each of the group, the first student says 'Start', he waits a little, then he says 'stop'. He turns around and he should ask the one who is holding the object the teacher gave 'What's this?' - the second person should say 'This is a pen'...They can use the same objects as well, asking 'What are these?' Make sure you prepared enough material for all or the students (there can be real objects or some flashcards), because everyone should ask the question and give the answer. Then let them play in their groups but monitor them, the winner will be the team that finishes first and stays without objects. Demonstrate the difference between 'this' and 'that'. Take a pen and show that it's close to you. Say 'This is a pen.' Then take another pen, put it far away from you and say 'That is a pen'. ' Say and show them 'I'm here, but my pen is there'.'So, that is a pen'. Then put some objects around the class and ask students about the things close to them and about the things which are far away from them using 'What's this?' and 'What's that?'. Drill these phrases. Make groups of two. 'This is a chair' -the closest chair to the teacher. 'that is a desk ' - the furthest away one from the teacher. The students should compete to be first to run and touch those things and then sit back down in their places. Then write these questions and the answers on the WB and highlight the difference again. What's this?- This is a book. What's that? - That is book. What are these? - These are keys. Try to elicit the form 'What are those?'- Those are keys from them.

Controlled Practice (5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ask the students to work in pairs. Put 1 object on the flashcard near them, one - further, 2 the same objects - again close, and 2 different objects far away. Tell them to ask each other about these objects using 'What's this? What's that? What are these? What are those?' and answer. Demonstrate this first with one of the student. Monitor and correct.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Play a memory game. Divide students into pairs. Prepare some cards (there must be pairs of them). Students need to use quesswork and memory to try to find two of a set of face-down cards that are the same. They should say: 'This is a pen' for the first card that they pick up, then 'That is a pen' for the second one and 'These are pens' to show that they have found a match.

Free Practice (5-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Put different objects around the classroom. Get students go around the room and ask each other 'What's this? What's that? What are these? What are those?' and answer. You need to demonstrate this. Monitor and correct. After activity drill new words if any come up.

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