Fatma Altınöz Fatma Altınöz

Vocabulary - Collocations
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, sts will learn the difference between the meanings of 'do' and 'make' collocations within the context of housework which they will have covered in the previous lesson. It will be a guided discovery plan. First, there will be highlight on the housework items given in the text. Then, there will be an activity on different housework. After that, T will reflect two of the pictures on the WB to clarify the meanings of 'do' and 'make' in collocations. The pronunciation and the stress of the sentences will be covered. In the end, sts will have a freer activity about housework.


Abc photos of housework
Abc scraps of papers
Abc Listening task 14
Abc WB
Abc Text

Main Aims

  • To understand the difference between 'do' and 'make' collocations

Subsidiary Aims

  • To listen for specific information
  • To be able to use 'do' and 'make' collocations effectively in spoken language


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

* After greeting the class, T asks sts if they are hungry or not, and if they have had breakfast. * T asks who in their family prepares breakfast, and what comes after breakfast. * T gives sts 3 mins. to discuss with their partner.

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

* T tries to elicit the word 'housework' by asking some different kinds of housework such as cooking, cleaning. * After eliciting the word, she sends her sts back to the text on p. 28. There sts will find three different phrases about housework in the text in 1 min. Then, they check their answers with their partners. * T writes three marker sentences from the previous lesson

Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check

* T divides the class in 3 or 4 groups according to the number of sts: blue, green, pink and orange. * T gives groups the scraps of papers with housework in the same colour as their group name. With the cue (clapping hands) sts stick them under the pictures around the room in 2 mins.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

* T chooses two of the pictures, stick them on the WB, and elicit the housework, which are with 'do' and 'make'. After eliciting, sts discuss the difference of 'do' and 'make'. Then, T elicits the answer: 'do' is for tasks, and 'make' is to create something (new). She writes appropriate sentences for the pictures by eliciting them from the students. * T does drilling to show the correct pronunciation and stress in the sentence.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

* T draws a table with two columns on the WB. She writes 'do' on one side and 'make' on the other. T gives groups scraps of papers with 'do' and 'make' collocation, and asks them to come to the WB to stick them on the right side of the table in 2 mins. * Sts listen and check their answers.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

* T reflects some questions on WB and give them 5 mins to mingle around with the others in the class. * In the meantime, T will wonder around with a notebook to note their mistakes. After the activity is finished, T will give feedback on them.

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