mona mona

Reading Lesson
A1 level


In this lesson Ss will have a reading .They will read it for gist and for detail . they will be presented the adjectives related to names of countries.


Abc Images of food
Abc Slips
Abc HO
Abc HO
Abc audio

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and scan

Subsidiary Aims

  • To present the adjectives related to names of countries


Lead in (5-6 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic of the lesson

T sticks some food Images on different places of class and have the Ss to follow these instructions and ICQs. I:there are e.g 5 photos on the wall. ICQ:How many photos ? Yes.... I :In pair ,write a restaurant under all pictures. ICQ: in pair or alone ? Yes.. ICQ: write the food or a restaurant ? ---ICQ:Write on the wall or under all pictures?---- T will ask each pair about just one picture.

Reading for gist (5-6 minutes) • To encourage Ss to read for general understanding

.T chests HO ( English Unlimited4.2 ,page 33,ex.1a) . Giving I and ICQs: I:There are 5 restaurants and 5 sentences ICQs: how many restaurants? 5 I . Match them . ICQs:you are going to -------? ICQs:quickly or slowly? Ss: Quickly .pair check . Ss write the answer on the board.

Pre- teaching (8-9 minutes) • To pre-teach lexis needed to help Ss understand the text

.T chests HO .T divides the class into 3- 4 groups. . T gives Instructions and ICQs .There are 6 countries here. .How many countries? Ss:6 .T shows the strips in different colors of each color for a group . Here are six nationalities .How many nationalities ? Ss: 6 .stick the nationalities You are going to ------ ?Ss:---- Quickly or slowly?Ss:---- Group check. .Ss will listen to recording 1.69 (English Unlimited ,page 33,ex.1b) or the teacher and repeat WC,group, indıvidually

Reading for detail (10-11 minutes) • To practice reading for detailed comprehension

.T chests HO I: There are 6 questions about the reading . ICQ:How many questions? Ss : 6 I : answer them ICQs : you are going to ----- ? Ss:answer .Pair check Ss write answers on WB .

Writing extension (10-11 minutes) • To develop written fluency on the topic

T asks Ss to think about a restaurant and write about it (size ,prices and food) then in paır get their partner guess the name of the restaurant pair If there is time

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