Ozlem Ozlem

cards in different colours
elementary level


In this lesson students will learn new vocabulary words and will use it to write a text about themselves. They will learn the names of different occasions. They will also learn the pronounciation of the words by coral drilling.


Abc coloured papers
Abc coloured papers to stick.

Main Aims

  • functional language

Subsidiary Aims

  • speaking about special occasions


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will write the dates of the important occasions in Turkey (because the students are turkish) and international date to which is may 1.. The dates will be as follows:- 23 april (children's day) 19 may 1881 (the birth of ataturk) 10 november 1938 (death of ataturk) and may 1 (international labours day). T will ask the Ss what do they know about these dates?. Ss will answer. T will ask them whether these dates are important or not?. Ss will answer. T will ask them do we forget important dates?. Ss will answer. T will ask the Ss what is today's lesson about?

Practice activity 1 (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T sticks the names of 4 different occasions on 4 different corners of the classroom. the occasions are:- birthday, valentine's day, mother's day and wedding day. T divides the Ss into groups. T tells the students that they are going to play a game. T shows the text and tells the Ss that in their groups they will read the texts and will decide which text goes under which title. T tells the Ss that it is a race and if a group finishes the other groups should stop sticking the papers. T asks ICQs. Are you going to stick the papers under the correct title or are you just going to read the texts? Ss will answer. T asks the Ss Are you going to continue sticking the picture if a group finishes or will you stop? Ss will answer. T will give the Ss the texts and tell them when they should start. Ss will finish. T will do coral drilling with the words stuck on the wall.

Practice activity 2 (18-20 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T will do MFP, she will teach them the new words they are:- occasion, fireworks and present. T will instruct the Ss to write about a special day they always celebrate using the exponents. T will give an example to make it more clear (I celebrate my birthday with my family and get alot of presents). T asks CCQs (Are you going to use the words on the board while writing or no?) (Are you going to write about your families or about a special day you always celebrate?) T gives the Ss the papers she has prepared and asks them to start writing. Ss start writing. T asks Ss to read what they have written.

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