Lamia Lamia

Future forms
Intermediate level


Abc Exercise 3
Abc Slide
Abc Listening 1.31
Abc Listening 1.32

Main Aims

  • To contrast different future forms and their meanings in the context of everyday conversations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice recognizing appropriate future forms.


Lead in (3-4 minutes) • To attract students attention to the lesson through a context that will interest them.

T will stick a picture of 3 people talking, at a dinner table, on the WB, and ask Ss in pairs to guess what those 2 people might be talking about. T will elicit few ideas from Ss as a feedback.

Pre-teaching (5-8 minutes) • To introduce students to TL and make them work with it.

T will tell the Ss they are going to watch a video about the people on the picture they saw and discussed earlier. T will divide students into 3 groups ( group A, group B, and group C) and give each group one card that has a question on it. T will ask students to think about the questions they have while watching the video. T will play a video of the three people Ss saw on the picture having a discussion about their future plans. After watching the video T will give the students 2 minutes to discuss their answers to the questions they were given, and ask them to share their answers with the rest of the class.

Exercise 3 (4-5 minutes) • Check students knowledge about future forms

T will give Ss handouts of exercise number 3 on page 133 and give them 3 minutes them to work on the exercise individually. After the Ss finishes the exercise T will ask Ss to put that paper aside and inform them that we'll go back to it later.

Exercise 1 (Listening) (5-7 minutes) • To make Ss guess the content of the listening

T will show Ss a picture of 2 roommates and ask them 3 questions: "How does the person of right look?" Elicit from students words like "unhappy", "sad", "crying" etc... T will then ask students the question "why do you think she looks unhappy?" Ss will discuss and try guess and share ideas. T will tell the students that we're going to listen to discover why Sandy is unhappy. After playing the audio, T will ask the students: "So why is Sandy unhappy then?" Ss will answer and discuss.

Slide (2-3 minutes) • Make Ss elicit the future tenses from the transcript of the audio they listened to.

T will project a slide of the transcript from the recording Ss listened to in the previous step. Future tense sentences will be highlighted as Ss will be asked to give them back.

Exercise 2 (5-6 minutes) • Help Ss find out the meanings

T will give Ss a matching exercise and ask them to work in pairs. Ss will be given 3 minutes to finish the exercise. T will project the answers on the board and then clarify with some CCQs such as (When do we use "Will"? When do we use "Going To"? etc... )

Exercise 3 + (listening) (5-7 minutes) • Controlled practice to help Ss practice what they have learned so far.

T will give Ss HO and ask them to complete the exercise individually. T will ask Ss to check in pairs and play recording 1.34 to check their answers T will elicit from Ss and help them with PRON with the help of some drilling.

Free practice (3-4 minutes) • Make Ss practice orally

T will ask Ss to discuss their future plans in pairs and report back.

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