Abdul shakoor Abdul shakoor

Receptive skills-listening
A1 level


In this lesson, students will learn about different kinds of shops- shoe shop, kiosk etc. They will listen to tracks and for gist and detail comprehension. The lesson starts with pictures of things we use everyday. They will listen to the track and answer the questions about the kiosk. Finally there is controlled practices using role play activity


Abc • google images
Abc • English Unlimited: Adrian Doff (2010) English Unlimited Cambridge University Press,

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice about kiosk and the things it sells

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice a minimal conversation in a shop


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T eats sandwich and drinks water from water bottle. T points to the sandwich and water bottle and asks the question, "what are these things". T shows 11 images of everyday things and sticks to the board with numbers. T holds HO and says, " go through these words on the papers and write correct picture numbers on the images ". T asks, "how many images are there?, they ll write the numbers on paper or board?" Ss work individually and write the correct picture numbers on the words. Ss checks the answers in pairs first. T monitors the Ss by going to each Ss. He writes the answers on the board and asks, " check your answers and correct it if its not?"

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T writes all the words from ex.1.a on the board. T focuses on the word stress and asks the Ss to listen words carefully. Ss repeat the word. T asks "where is the stress in this word". Ss pronounce the words and define the stress area. T practices the pronunciation drill of all the words with the Ss T clarifies that --most words add +s in the plural -- words that end in -s, -ch, -sh add +es

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

T shows images of different type of shops and sticks to the board. T asks, "there are 4 different types of shops in these pictures" tell me what they sell (shoe shop, coffee shop, mobile shop, kiosk) T asks " How many types of shops are there? 4 " Do they sell biscuits, pens, books, sweets? (shoe, coffee, mobile, newspaper/ kiosk ) T writes the question on the board "what sort of shop is it?" T asks Ss to listen to the track carefully and answers the question. T asks "they'll listen about shop or school?" (shop) T asks "could you two/ three work together for 2 mins to complete the task"? Ss listen to the track and discuss with each other what they listen.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

T displays images of different things (shoes, car, postcards, stamps, cake, sunglasses) and elicits names from the Ss. T sticks these images left side in jumbled on the board. T asks the Ss "to listen to the track and answers the question "Which things do they sell?" Ss listen to the track, match the things they sell with the pictures on the board,take the right pictures and stick them on right side of the board". ICQs T asks "they are going to listen or speak?" listen " they are going to paste right pictures on left side?" right Now T asks the Ss to see on the right side of the board and tell what they sell on Kiosk. Ss talk in pairs for 1 mins and speak what are the things sell on Kiosk. T asks "Do they sell food?" No T asks " Do they sell drinks?" Yes

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T asks the Ss to listen to two conversation and tell what these people are buying? ICQs T asks "are they going to listen to 3 conversation" 2 "the people are driving or buying things?" T displays HO of the two incomplete conversation on the OHP ex.3a. T asks them to fill it in pairs by pretending one being buyer and the other seller? After completing this task, T shows two different HOs one having items to purchase and the other being owner of Kiosk. Ss work in groups and act like buyer and seller with 2 to 3 short sentences.

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