Bjorn Renberg Bjorn Renberg

How old is it?
Beginners level


This lesson will focus much on functional speaking and listening skills in the area of asking the age of things and people.


Abc CD Straightforward beginner

Main Aims

  • Functional language for asking/answering about ages between 21-100

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening and speaking
  • Determining if something is old, new or young


Introduction and warmer (3-5 minutes) • To set the context for the review of numbers

T will draw a picture on the WB of a girl in front of a birthday cake. T will ask:"What do you see?" "What is this?" SS will make simple comments from which T will draw a couple of vocabs. E.g. "Birthday", "birthday cake", "candles", "girl". T will then ask: "how old is she?" if need be, T will clarify by "how many years?" SS will tell the number based on the number of candles drawn. T will add another candle "how old is she now?", and then maybe another one. This will bring the focus to the numbers.

Matching numbers (10-12 minutes) • Review of numbers

T will write number 20-40 in numbers and letters on WB. He will drill the numbers. Maybe correcting the "th"-sound on thirty. T will explain the first HO to the students. Demo will be done on the Republic of Turkey by T chesting the HO and pointing. HO will be distributed and each person should complete individually. Fb is done by OHP display (slide 2), where the right answer will be given. SS will correct the answer of the person next to them. T will review numbers 13-30, 14-40 etc and point out the stress of the words by using squares above the part that is emphasized. "teen" in 13-19 will be emphasized and the first syllable in 40-90. Exaggerate and overdo it. Drill the SS and make sure they can pronounce them properly. T hands out first handout, which is number cut-outs. One has the number itself and one has the number spelled out. There should be 13 of each (if less, make sure you hand out the numbers that are matched). The ss are to find the matching number and spelled out number. T will demo by bringing up one SS who will show their number and say it out loud. The person who has the same number spelled out is now to come up and join and she/he will say the same number. T will say, "they are now partners". Ask them to come to the front in the pairs they have formed and each person is to speak out their number in turn. Let them hold the numbers in front of them. Then group them in 4 by 4 and assign tables to them This will also put them in new groupings

Listening task (10-12 minutes) • Matching picture and conversation

Write on WB: How old is it? It is five years old. How old are you? I am thirty (years old). Display the famous people pictures again. Tell them to ask the question to their number partner. while pointing to a specific picture: "How old is she/he?" "She's/He's .......(years old)." Another HO is given with four pictures and a matching sentences and a second part with sentences to be completed. T will instruct them to fold the HO so that the part with the pictures will be what they look at, leaving the part with the sentences face-down. T will display the part with the pictures on WB and ask SS what they see. Draw some key vocab, such as "babies, house, computer, car etc". Give them the task to match the conversations with the pictures. Play the CD (track 1.62) and let them fill individually. Write the right answer on WB for FB. Then ask them to flip to the sentences to look at the sentences and fill them individually. Play the conversations from the CD again and ask them to fill in the right age. Ask them to check the answers with the person next to them (their number partner). One person from each group will give the answer to one of the questions. For fb the answers will be written on WB

Functional language: Old and young (5-7 minutes) • To use the numbers in context of life, asking the age of things and people

Then display pictures on OHP. A young man and an old man and then a new car and a old car. Ask them: "Is it a person or a thing?" "Is it a he or a it?". Point out the fact that you use "young" for persons and "new" for things. Write the sentences "He's an old man", "He's a young man" "It's a old car", "it's a new car". Point out the fact that persons and living things are young, but things are new. Give HO and ask them to work in pairs (number partner) to look at the pictures. Tell them to practice the sentences. "It is an old...". "It is a new....." She's a young..." etc. FB by displaying the pictures on OHP and let people answer from the class.

Asking the age (5-7 minutes) • To practice the questions regarding asking each other's age

Review the sentences: How old are you? (repeat) I'm........(years old). Instruct them to find each others ages by asking these question and to make a line, from the youngest to the oldest. Demo by bringing one ss up front. Ask him "how old are you?" He will say his age. Then bring up one more student. Let the first ss ask the other student "how old are you?". Then instruct what side ss should stand. To make it more clear, let the second student ask T the age and then ask the class what side T should stand. If correct, then let them start to go around and find each others ages. When line is complete, the task is done. Point out the oldest and the youngest. Let them get back to their seats.

Age questionnaire (5-7 minutes) • To do further practice regarding asking how old something is and to know each other better

Chest the HO. Point out the questions. Review: How old are (plural- demo this by drawing two persons above "are" and "How old is (singular- demo this by drawing one person above" Ask them to work in their groups and ask each other these questions to find out more about each other. FB: T will ask students what they now know about their friends.

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