Oya Oya

TP 4
Intermediate B1 level


Main Aims

  • • To provide clarification and give practice of polite requests, through a context of a conversation from the first lesson.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To give Ss practice in speaking and making requests in a social context


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Tell the Ss that we will talk about polite request, asking in polite ways. - Show Ss the chocolates and tell them that I will give them to the ones who ask me in a polite way. - Get the answers and give the chocolates.

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text.

Give Ss the text and ask them to underline the TL. - Ask Ss to do Exercise 2 (complete the table with the phrases in the previous exercise) then peer-check . W/C FB

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- Ask students how we make requests, how we want something from others in a polite way. Get some answers. - Write the phrases on the board and how we use them : Ask Ss how we can make questions when we ask someone to do sth: Can you _________ please? Could you _________ please? Do you think you could ____________ please? . Would you mind ____________ please? Can you give me your pen, please? Sure. Could you give me your pen, please? Yes, of course. Do you think you could give me your pen, please? Yes, certainly Can/could + subject + V(bare infinitive or base form) Would you mind giving me your pen, please? No,I don’t mind. would + subject+ Ving Ask Ss how we can make questions when we ask for permission to do sth: Could I _________ please? Do you mind if I_________ ? Do you think I could _________ ? Is it alright / OK if I _________ ? Could I have your pen please? Of course. Do you mind if I have your pen ? No,I don’t mind. Do you think I could have your pen ? I am sorry, I am using it. Is it alright / OK if I have your pen ? No sorry, I need it -Give Ss the HO(wb ex 1) - Tell Ss how can we sound more polite: 1. Using please or using could instead of can 2. Using more words e.g. 'Do you think I could...' instead of 'Could I...' 3. Using intonation appropriately: O o Do you think ı could have a glass of water? - Let Ss listen some parts of the conversation to hear how they pronounced. Then drill

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-Give Ss the HO(TB p. 33 ex. 3-4) and ask them to do the exercises (correct the sentences and match the questions with the true respond)then Peer-check - Ask Ss to practise the dialog in pairs, concentrating on their intonation, They should be as polite as they can be.

Semi-Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

-Give Ss the HO(wb ex. 2) ask Ss to do the ex. (Ss will correct the mistakes in each conversation),then check with their partner. Then W/C

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- Give Ss Role Play (Ss book p. 33 vocab ex. 4 ) and let them work in pairs : S.A: A friend has invited you for dinner in his/her home. S.B: You have invited a friend for dinner in your home. (SsA is invited to a friend for dinner, Ss B has invited friend for dinner in his/her home. They will make each other requests using the verbs in the boxes and answer each other’s requests) Then whole class FB.

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