mahmoudezzat mahmoudezzat

Recruitment Agency - Advice
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students are going to learn how to ask for and give advice using different ways such as "should - If I were you, I'd..". Also they will speak about some problems at work and give advice


Abc Exercise 1
Abc HO 1
Abc Ho 2
Abc Exercise 1 a
Abc Exercise 2
Abc Ho 3

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the use of asking for and giving advice

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of asking for and giving advice.


Lead-In (3-6 minutes) • To generate interest in the theme of the lesson. To let Ss think about problems and how to find a solution.

- T shows two pictures The first pictures is about a women who is wearing inappropriately at a job interview. The second picture is about a boy who has an exam tomorrow and is watching Tv. CCQs 1. What is she wearing? What is he doing? 2. Do you think she is wearing well? Do you think it is good to watch TV before exams? 3. What do we wear in a job interview? What can we do before exams? - Ss discuss in PW to answer this questions for two minutes. ICQs: 1. Will you match? No, answer the questions 2. How much time? 3 minutes - T let Ss to think about solutions for the two pictures to elicit the word advice - T gives feedback in free discussion with WC - T asks Ss to read the listening task to underline advice forms in two minutes ICQs: 1. Will you read and talk? no underline 2. What will you under line? advice forms 3. How much time? 2 minutes - T gives FB and praise Ss

First Test (diagnostic) (3-5 minutes) • To test learners' current knowledge of and the ability to use the language and identify what the issues are

- T chests Exercise 1 and ask Ss to rearrange 5 sentences to make sentences and questions that give/ask for advice in 3 minutes in PW. ICQs: 1. Will you answer questions? No rearrange to make sentence 2. Will you work alone or with your partner? with a partner 3. How much time? 3 minutes - T provides FB on the board to prepare Ss to the next task.

Teach (clarifying) (5-8 minutes) • To clarify meaning so that learners can understand the target language

- T chests HO 1 and ask Ss to answer the questions in 5 minutes. ICQs: 1. Will you read and talk? No, read and answer 2. Will you talk to your partner? No, alone 3. How much time? 5 minutes - Ss chech in PW - T provides FB on the board.

Teach (clarifying) (5-8 minutes) • To clarify the form and pronunciation so that learners can construct and say the target language

- T chests HO 2 and ask Ss to read the examples then choose and answer the questions in 5 minutes ICQs: 1. Will you read and talk? no, read and answer 2. Will you work alone? yes 3. How much time? 5 minutes - Ss check in pairs - T provides FB on the board

Second Test (8-10 minutes) • To provide controlled oral or written practice focused on using the language accurately

- T chests an a writing and speaking task. - T asks Ss to work in pairs to read the four problems and write two forms of advice to each problem in 8 minutes ICQs: 1. Will you read and talk? no, read and give advice 2. How many notes will you write for each problem? two 3. Will you work alone? no with a partner 4. How much time? 8 minutes - T gives feedback by asking each pair to read their advice for one problem to another pair - T chests Exercise 4 from workbook. - T asks Ss give advice using the words in brackets ICQs: 1. Will you read or write? read and write 2. What will you use? words in brackets - Ss check in pairs. - T gives Fb on the board

Second Test (6-8 minutes) • To provide controlled oral or written practice focused on using the language accurately

- T asks Ss to write two problems about themselves then walk around to find advice from his friends - T gives Ss HO 3 to write their own problems and write their friend's advice for them ICQs: 1. How many problems will you write? Two 2. How many friends will you talk? as possible as you can 3. Will you write your friend's name? yes 4. Will you write your friend's advice? yes

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