Damla Korkmaz Damla Korkmaz

Elementary level


In this lesson,students will talk about life and read a short biography about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's life and think of someone that everyone knows very well and write that person's biography following the same stages in the sample.


Abc cut-outs
Abc handout
Abc Pictures
Abc projector
Abc WB
Abc A4 papers
Abc projector

Main Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a biography in the context of famous people we admire

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in the context of life story


Lead in (5-7 minutes) • to create awareness in the topic and provide a fluency speaking activity

-Put the pictures of some famous people on the board. -Ask them some questions about their lives to create interest in the topic. *How was their life? Easy or difficult? *Did they have a family.

Reading for gist (4-5 minutes) • To understand the general meaning of the text in the context of Atatürk's life.

-Give students to cut-outs and the HO. -Tell them to work alone,read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs. -Tell them they've got 3 minutes. -Ask ICQs. *Are you working alone or together? Alone *Are you writing or matching? Matching. *Are you reading quickly or slowly?Quıckly. -How much time do you have? 3 minutes. -Tell them to compare their answers with their partner. FB: -Write answers on the board and ask if they have any questions.

Useful Language (5-6 minutes) • Highlight and clarification of useful language for productive writing task

-Focus their attention on paragraph 1 and ask what we can learn about Atatürk in this paragraph. -Elicit the answers from them. -Focus their attention on paragraph 2 and then 3 and ask what these paragraph tell us about Atatürk. -Ask what kind of writing it is. Ask if it tells us about Atatürk's life, education, personality. -Ask what we call that kind of texts and elicit biography. -

Productive Task (20-25 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice freer writing activity

-Tell them to think of someone that everyone knows well. -Tell them this person can be a singer,politician,artist,painter,footballer,dancer or a top model etc. -Tell them write about this person considering the stages and information on the board. -Tell them not to mention that person's name. -Tell them they have got 15 minutes. -Ask ICQs. *Are you writing a story or biography? Biography *Are you writing that person's name on the paper?No. *How many paragraphs have you got? 3. *Are you working alone or together? Alone. *How much time have you got? 15 minutes. -When they're done, they read each other's paper and try to guess the person. -They have got 3 minutes for each biography. FB: -When they finish reading,they have a guess altogether and tell the name of the person.

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