Bjorn Renberg Bjorn Renberg

Further job vocabulary practice
Beginners level


Using the textbook the students will be introduced to a set of professions. The lesson will start with a practice of 5 different emergency jobs that are presented in the textbook, where they will be displayed with OHP followed by a choral drill to correct the pronunciation. At this point we as a class will learn to connect the professions and the pictures displayed. Following that a reading practice will take place. A handout will be given with text slips and pictures, where students in pairs will learn to connect the various persons, presented in the text, to the given picture. They will then finish off by filling a chart with the key information of the people presented in texts and a listening exercise with a additional drilling of the article a/an.


Abc CD Straightforward beginner

Main Aims

  • To introduce emergency jobs and to practice their vocabulary.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Practice reading and review personal language information from previous lessons
  • To translate and know their own jobs in English and through that get to know each other better
  • To practice the indefinite article a and an.


Review of vocabulary of previous lesson (3-4 minutes) • To help them remember and make sure they understood

Using WB and alphabet cards, do choral drills of letters and words given, and possibly other simple concepts, according to that lesson

Introducing our jobs (5-7 minutes) • To get to know the students and to translate their jobs into English

Teacher will say: "I am a teacher. What is your job?". Write on WB. Do choral drill of the two sentences. Ask 2-3 students "What is your job?" Let them use the format given on WB. Give attention to the use of the article. After this let them use these sentences among themselves to tell what their job is. If people do not know, let them use dictionary to find their job. Do FB by asking some of them what their job is. (if there is time, write each job on WB and let ss repeat)

Introducing emergency jobs (8-10 minutes) • To learn to pronounce the various emergency jobs and to understand what they are

First, if not already done, using number 1-6 divide them into new 6 groups and move them around in order to see them practice with new people (should be four in each group). Then start the stage with audio of an emergency siren. Paste the slip "Emergency workers" unto WB and let them repeat. Define emergency by using related vocabulary such as "accident, fire, fast, life-saving". After this, one by one stick the slips with emergency job labels unto WB and do choral drill of each job to demonstrate the pronunciation. After this display the pictures by using the OHP and let them connect the label to the picture. Make sure they pronounce the letters correctly (and make this a small review of Aussie's lesson of the letters).

Reading exercise and connecting text and picture (10-12 minutes) • To give the students a reading practice while improving both their pronunciation and their comprehension

Give the handout to each student with the text and the pictures. Read loud through the text while they read too, to demonstrate, through all 5 paragraphs. Make sure they know they should read with you and listen Read and listen. Use gestures. After reading explain their task. Demonstrate the first one- Sylvie. Chest the paper, point to the first paragraph. Ask the class "Which picture is Sylvie?" They will give the answer and I will correct if necessary. Maybe introduce a word/thing that belongs to a doctor. Now let them read to one another one more time and in pairs decide which picture belongs to who. FB is done as WC as T will ask one ss from each group to give an answer.

Reading exercise and filling the chart (5-7 minutes) • To make sure they understand the texts given by filling in a chart

Divide them into pairs. On the handout there will be a chart stating the name, country and job. They should now complete that chart together. On WB draw the chart and write the sentences above each block: "Her/His/Their name(s) is/are.... She/He/They is/are from.... He/She/They is/are a/an/.....(s) Make sure they use English as they talk together in pairs. Turkish is forbidden.

Listening exercise, (3-4 minutes) • To improve their listening skills

Let them listen to the CD, exercise 1.41. Do FB. Remember to drill a/an.

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