Natalia Coşkun Natalia Coşkun

TP 1, Numbers from 1 to 20
beginner level


Learning numbers from 1 to 20. Writing and spelling these numbers. Asking and answering the questions about telephone numbers. Working with 'Wh' questions and 'it' used for things. Different activities including games,using T-Ss, S-Ss, PW, GW patterns of work. Listening to dialogues (working on receptive skills). The main source of material: Clanfield (2007) Straightforward: Macmillian, Student's book p. 10-11; Teacher's book, p.165.


Abc Hand-outs
Abc Hand-outs
Abc Hand-outs

Main Aims

  • To provide controlled speaking practice of functional language of telephone numbers

Subsidiary Aims

  • Review of the present simple tense, 'Wh' question and listening for specific information


Warmer/Lead-in (3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Preparation before the lesson starts: Write the numbers from 1 to 20 on the WB in different order. Then meet the students and try to create a nice atmosphere before starting a lesson. Then show them what you have written on the WB and say 'These are numbers'. 'Do you know some of them?' Try to find out how many numbers the ss know from the ones you gave.

Exposure (10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Then write all the numbers from 1 to 20 in order. Also give their spelling. Write all these numbers by letters on the WB. Then ask the ss to count loudly as quikly as possible - 1-20. Then play a game. You divide students into 2 groups. Show to the one person from each group who is standing first the number, they should write them on the WB. Whose team have more correct answers is the winner.

Highlighting (2 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Then show a mobile phone to your students. Explain them using short phrases and gestures that it is your phone and you have a mobile number. Then go to the next stage (Grammar explanation of the 'Wh' questions, 'It' used for things, and how to say a telephone number correctly).

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Continue what you have started at the previous stage, explaining how to use 'Wh' questions when you ask about smbd's telephone number and how to answer these types of questions. Put some attention on the spelling of telephone numbers, giving your number or asking some students about their numbers. Also demostrate all the examples on the WB. Listen with the Ss the dialogue from ex.1.15, p.11 (Straightforward student's book), then ask them about what did they get from the dialogue, could they get the phone numbers? If they could not get them right, make them listen this dialogue again.

Controlled Practice (10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

After the first dialogue, work on the WB. Write useful phrases that you students may need, some questions and answers (e.g. 'What's your work number? - It's 55566774433'). If they need any explanation again - help them. Then make them listen the ex. 1.19: p. 11. Do not show it, just let them listen, then ask about the phone numbers they can remember from the dialogue. Write on the WB all the numbers they say, then ask them to open this part of the page they were not able to see and check if they were right or not.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Roleplay. Ex.2, p.11. Prepare the chart, make it bigger if possible. Ask the Ss to stay in the groups of 3, then give these charts to your students. Ask to complete these charts with their own phone numbers, and then they should ask the other two partners about theirs.

Free Practice (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Play a game from Teacher's book, p.165. Make a conclusion to the lesson.

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