Deniz Erkan Deniz Erkan

Around the World
Intermediate level


Abc Pictures of 5 Cities Around the World
Abc "My Ideal Trip Around World" text handout
Abc "Map Out Your Ideas" Table Chart Handout
Abc Useful Language Table and the Writing Task

Main Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a around-the-world trip plan in the context of cities around the world.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practise of travelling lexis in the context of Around the World.


Stage 1 - Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Following the Around the World context, students are asked about their favourite cities around the world. The teacher sticks 5 pictures of well-known cities, and elicits three things about each city, writing them on the board. Students are asked to pick one city to visit, and they briefly talk about their choices for 2 minutes. London, New York City, Istanbul, Paris, Milano.

Stage 2 - Exposure: "My Ideal Trip Around the World" Text (5-8 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

The teachers hands out the self-sourced text "My Ideal Trip Around the World" to students to introduce the model of production. First, students skim through the text in 2 minutes to get the gist of it. Following the gist reading, the teacher gives a definition match handout to students, including vocabulary from the text. Students work individually, later checking their answers in pairs. Teacher's feedback is provided if there are any incorrect matches. To ensure meaning, concept checking questions are asked.

Stage 3 - Practising the Highlighted Useful Language While Reading (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

-Students are instructed to pay extra attention to highlighted sentences in the text. -The highlighted phrases are intended to be utilized in the writing stage. -The teacher quickly asks concept checking questions to clarify the meaning of the phrases. -In order to familiarise the students with the useful language, students are asked to pick three of the phrases, and write their own sentences using the highlighted sentence structures for practise, which are provided below; "hop on to the bus" "manage to" "make my way to" "on the other hand" "get on the plane" "take the metro" "arrive in" "hail a cab"

Stage 4 - Mapping Out Ideas (5-7 minutes) • To give students a chance to map out their ideas for the following writing task

- A table chart is provided to students as a handout, including sections for four times of the day with five information gaps. - Students are asked to map out their world trip ideas on the chart individually. - Students pick 4 cities in total, and plan their trips accordingly. - Students work individually, and they are given 5 minutes to map out their ideas.

Stage 5 - Productive Task: Plan Your Ideal Around-the-World Trip (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

-Using the ideas they mapped out in the previous stage, students start writing. -The teacher is monitoring without any interruption. -Students are given 10-12 minutes according to the pace of their writing. -Students work individually. -If the number of students are more than 3, they are asked to stick their plans on the walls and the board. If not, each student reads her/his plan, followed by students picking the one they like the most. -Students walk around reading the papers, and they tick the plan that they like the most.

Stage 6 - Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Initially, teacher's feedback to content is conducted. If the class is not crowded, the teacher checks each paper quickly and comments briefly on the students' trips, also asking ideas of the other students. A brief class conversation is conducted, led by the teacher for 2-3 minutes about the trips. Remaining 5-7 minutes are spared for feedback on language errors and mistakes that students make in their written plans. The teacher writes down the significant errors on the board without telling the student's name, and asks the whole class if the sentence/word is correct to elicit answers from the students. If there is no correct answer, the teacher gives away the correct answer, briefly clarifying the particular error with error correction.

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