조혜원 조혜원

Listening_with past simple
beginner level


In this lesson, students will learn past simple sentences through listening text.


Main Aims

  • Listening

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of past simple in the context of what students did yesterday


Lead-in (Setting a context) (9-9 minutes) • To help students to brainstorm what they "did" this morning

Teacher will show some pictures on the board. -I cut my nails yesterday. -I cut my hair yesterday. -I selected my clothes to wear for today. -I ate peach. -I packed my lunch box. -I washed the dishes. These are the things I did this morning before I came here. Talk to your partner what you did today before you came here. ICQs: Are you going to talk to me or to your partner? Are you going to talk what you are going to do tomorrow? (No) Feedback(whole class): Tell me one thing that you did yesterday.

Prediction task (5-5 minutes) • To encourage students to predict about content of the text and give them a reason to listen the text

There will be a picture on the whiteboard. (PPT) The picture is from SB p.73 (a picture of one woman and a man) Teacher will ask: What do you think they are talking about? Share with your partner what they are talking about? FB: Are they talking about work?

Pre-teaching vocabulrary (4-4 minutes) • To pre-teach key lexis needed to help students understand the text

How many days/ are there in a week? song: Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday There will be 7 Students in front. Each student will have a paper which the initial alphabet is written. We can divide these 7 days into 2 groups. I am going to give you a handout. First, by yourself try to match them under the correct group. ICQ: Are you going to write by yourself or with your partner? Now, share with your partner. FB with answer key(ppt)

Listening for gist (2-3 minutes) • To encourage students to listen for gist

Teacher will ask "Let's hear the conversation between a man and a woman." Let's just find what their names are. "What's the man's name?" "What's the woman's name?" ICQs Are you going to hear every details? (no) What are you going to find? (Their names) Peer check ->FB

Listening for specific information (10-10 minutes) • To practice listening for specific information

Teacher: "I'll let you hear their conversation again, This time you are going to fill in the blanks as you listen. Are you ready?" Students will fill in the blanks on P. 73's No.1 while they listen to the script. (T. 10.3) "Do you need to listen one more time?" If necessary students will listen to the script again. Peer check-FB

Listening for detail (5-7 minutes) • To practice listening for detailed comprehension

Instruction: You are going to listen to the script. It's a whole conversation. I am going to give out a handout to you. What you are going to do is listen and check if the sentence is correct or not. If the sentence is not correct, write T. If the sentence is not correct, correct the wrong information.

Speaking task (9-9 minutes) • to allow an opportunity to react to the text

Instruction: You are going to be given a handout. You are going to write down what you did and what you didn't last week. Then, students will be divided into 2 groups. Two groups will have a white board each. More different things written correctly will be a winner.

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