Sharareh Yaghoobi Sharareh Yaghoobi

Teaching Practice 6- Grammar
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, the Ss will learn how to use "will/ won't" for future predictions. The context of the lesson will be set by a short text (dialogue) after they have done a vocab matching exercise (opposite verbs) to activate their schemata and probably teach them some new verbs they will be using in the exercises following the grammar section. Later on through the lesson, Ss will be practicing their productive skills (writing in this case) using the language point they have learned.


Abc Handout 1.2

Main Aims

  • The main aim of this lesson is to provide clarification and practice on the TL, "Will/ Won't for predictions".

Subsidiary Aims

  • This lesson will give the Ss some useful vocabulary they will use when practicing the TL and provide them with activities regarding their speaking skill.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss will greet the Ss, introduce herself to the new Ss and ask them all about how they're planning to spend their weekend. T will then pretend she's talking about something that happened to her that day, "Today, while I got to the class, I realized I had lost my wallet. So, all my money and cards are gone now. And I don't have money to go back home! I don't know what I should do." This is done to elicit the verb "borrow" from the Ss. If they don't come up with an answer, T will use finger technique saying the sentence "I should from a friend." in order to elicit the verb. T will then put the verb on the board and ask the students to give her the opposite, "lend". T will show the Ss HO 1, tell them to match the verbs in the first section with their antonyms in the second section in pairs. Ss will be given the HO and asked to do it in 3 minutes. They will check their answers with the pair next to them and T will do WCFB to make sure they have the correct answers.

Exposure (7-9 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Having had a warm-up on the verbs, the teacher ......... T will raw Ss attention to the picture on HO 1.2, two fish one of which is a pessimist, and CCQ: Pointing to the optimist "Is this fish happy?" [Yes] Pointing to the pessimist "How's this fish feeling? [Sad], [dying] "Why?" [Because it is not in the water] or similar answers. "Does the happy fish have a positive attitude?" [Yes] "What about the other fish? Positive?" [No, negative] T writes the words "pessimist" and "optimist" on the board and says optimist refers to the happy fish and the other to the other fish. T will ask the Ss to look at HO2, look at the sentences in the "You say" section and individually match the pessimist phrases with the sentences. T will remind them of the 4 minute time limit. After they are done matching, Ss will peer check their answers. T will do FB by nominating.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T will put the two sentences from the sentences Ss just practiced on the board: "They'll be late." "They won't find a parking space." T will ask the Ss: "Which sentence is positive?" [First] "Which sentence is negative? [Second] "Why do you say the first one is positive? ['ll be] "And the second one, why is it negative? [Won't] T will ask the Ss to look at the sentences they just matched (HO 1) and underline the parts in the sentence which show the sentences are either positive or negative. T will elicit few answers from WC.

Clarification (6-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T will put two marker sentences from the sentences the Ss just covered on the board: "You'll break your leg." "You won't pass the exam." To clarify the meaning, T will show the Ss HO 2, tell them they will do part a in pairs in 2 minutes. Ss will then compare answers with the pair sitting next to them. T will elicit through nomination and ask the WC for confirmation. To clarify the usage of the LP, T will ask the Ss to look at part B in HO 2 and work on part b in pairs. They have 2 minutes to do this task. They will then peer check and T will elicit the answers through nominating. To clarify the form, T will then ask the Ss to go to part c and do it in groups of 3 in 2 minutes. T will then elicit through nominating. To clarify the pronunciation, T will put the sentence stress on the marker sentences on the board and do drilling to make sure everyone has the correct pronunciation of the LP.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

To provide the Ss with a chance to practice the TL they just learned, T will use HO 3. T will show HO 3 to the Ss and tell them they will read the sentences in the first part and find the best prediction for them from the second set of sentences. Then they will have to complete the second set of sentences based on the sentence they are matched to. Ss will work individually for 4 minutes. There follows a peer checking. T then will provide the answers through HO 3 Answer Key for them to see and check. Then the T will do some deep FB as to why Ss have chosen a certain answer.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T will show HO 4 to the Ss. T will name the Ss "Pessimist" and "Optimist" and tell them they will read the sentences in the first column and individually fill in the Pessimist or Optimist columns (based on the names they are given) with predictions. The Ss will be given 4 minutes for this task. Once they are done, T will put them in groups of 3. Ss will take turns reading a sentence and the other two Ss in the group will give the S their prediction. Then another S will read a sentence and the other two will give them predictions. This will continue till the sentences are finished. T monitors meanwhile to check for TL mistakes for delayed FB. After they are finished, T will nominate some Ss to give her their pessimistic and optimistic predictions on a few sentences

Free Practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

To give Ss some free practice, T will demonstrate the last activity they are to do. T takes the hand of one student, looks at their palm and say: "You will buy a car next year." "You will travel around the world." T will elicit: What am I doing? [Predicting] [Fortune telling] T will put the word "fortuneteller' on the board even if the Ss cannot come up with it. T will put the Ss in different pairs, tell them that one person will be the fortuneteller and the other one will be an ordinary person. They will role play using the TL. After the activity is over, T will elicit what predictions about their future they got by nominating.

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