Khadija El Mahrsi Khadija El Mahrsi

Elementary level


In this lesson, Ss will learn how to make polite requests with can/could


Abc Food pictures and dialogue skeleton
Abc Gap-fill handouts

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of can/could for polite requests in the context of food and parties

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a role-play in the context of food and parties


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T displays a picture of a group of adults having dinner. T asks Ss what they see.

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a situation

T can use the guy with the white jacket on the right to remind Ss of the use of "would you like" (which they saw the previous day). - To Ss: What would this man say to offer "apple juice" to this lady? Next, T uses the woman on the left to elicit the TL. - What about this woman? She wants an orange. What can she say? If Ss give "can I" as an answer, T asks them if they can make it more polite. T then elicits the other form (can/could you) by telling Ss that the oranges are farm from the woman and she can't reach them. If Ss give "can you" as an answer, T asks Ss if they can find another way to ask for the oranges.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T writes the sentences that the Ss supplied in the exposure. If some forms are missing, T writes extra examples. T then uses boxes to elicit the different forms: 1) Can/Could + I + base form 2) Can/Could + you + base form + (me) Examples: 1) Can I have an orange, please? 2) Could I have an orange, please? 3) Can you give me an orange, please? 4) Could you give me an orange, please? T makes sure to drill the different forms. Ss listen to track 9.9. T drills again for intonation

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss will be handed an activity where they'll have to complete the gaps with "can/could you" or "can/could I." Once they're done, Ss check in pairs.

Semi-Controlled Practice (10-13 minutes) • To allow students to practise speaking the TL

In this speaking activity, Ss will be divided into pairs. Each pair will role-play a host and a guest and they will be given a number of food items and a skeleton dialogue to follow. The partners will take turns in asking each other for the food items in front of them according to their dialogue. However, the food items with a red mark can only be taken by asking "could you" and the food items with a green mark can only be taken by asking "can I." Once they've exchanged their items, the Ss swap roles and practise again. T demonstrated the role-play very carefully and makes sure all Ss understand how to proceed. T monitors the activity and tries to identify mistakes for a delayed correction.

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