Mohamed Mohamed

Tp_4_Mohamed Sabah
Intermediate level


This mainly a vocabulary lesson that helps students to be able to use collocations properly --both verb+ preposition combination and adjective +preposition combinations. This will be done basically within the context of stereotypes between men and women. The lead-in will involve the ladies and gentlemen to think about the top 3 stereotypes about men and women. The lesson will use the TTT to identify problematic collocation areas Ss need more focus on and will use guided discovery to make them elicit the collocations and how they are used. It will eventually end with a short communicative task where Ss get a chance to use collocations i a speaking fluency activity.


Abc Pre-test
Abc The controlled practice activity
Abc Lead-in
Abc Some Stereo types between men and women
Abc The free practice activity

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of collocations in the context of Stereotypes of men and women

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of General


Pre-test (5-6 minutes) • To check the collocations Ss need to work more on.

T. Starts Class by giving Ss a test about collocations to make sure which ones they are familiar with and which ones they need more work on. Ss work on the test alone and put the test paper beside them to refer back to it later in the lesson.

Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To get Ss' attention and interest in the theme of stereotypes between men and women

T. asks Ss to sit in two groups: one for ladies and the other for the gentlemen. T. asks Ss to think of the top three things each group (men and women) are good at and the top three things the other group are not good at. Then T. invites each group to write this on the board. Ss discuss their answers in groups and and then write their ideas on the board.

contextualization (5-5 minutes) • To provide a context where the target language is used

T. will uses page 31 in the SB to provide the context where the TL will be used. T. asks Ss to choose men or women for each sentence of the stereotypes between men and women. Ss work on that.

highlighting TL (7-10 minutes) • To highlight the target language from a given context

T. asks Ss to read the stereotypes and choose men or women. T. then asks Ss to underline all the adjectives and verbs and the prepositions used with them. T. Elicits from Ss that these are collocations and they have special meanings that can be different from their literal meaning. T. Then works on the elicitation of MFP of each collocation.

Controlled Stage (5-5 minutes) • To provide Ss with controlled practice of the TL

Before T. asks Ss to work on this activity, T. should make sure Ss understand the meaning of any collocation that they might have problems with e.g. look forward to, keen on, closest, famous for, superstition. Next, Tasks Ss to work on this as a controlled practice activity. Then, T. models on question and an answer to it and helps Ss elicit that when the preposition occurs finally in a sentence , it is usually stressed. This is different from the case where the preposition occurs medially in a sentence -unstressed in this case.

Post-Test stage (5-5 minutes) • To help Ss refer back to the test and identify their mistakes and correct them

T. asks Ss to go back to their test sheets, identify their mistakes, correct them, and do peer FB. T. provides a final WC FB of problematic areas

Language Practice (10-10 minutes) • To provide Ss with a chance to practice the language in freer way

T. asks Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the question in this activity and share interesting ideas with colleagues later.

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