grammer, permission and possibility


"Can" is versatile verb in English and it uses to express ability, possibility and permission. It is also used to make requests. In this lesson, Students work on two of the most common use, permission and possibility. To start with, "can" is presented through two dialogs that illustrates permission and possibility. The students listen to the dialogs in order to answer questions. Last but not least, special attention is given to the pronunciation of can/can't which sometimes causes communication problems. In vocabulary, students learn some more common verbs, especially ones that are used in context of permission and possibility. Finally, students talk about what people can/can't do at work or at school.


Abc Guided discovery/Guided discovery answer key
Abc role-play cards

Main Aims

  • To provide grammer about permission and possibility and clarifying the pronunciation of can/can't

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide some vocabularies which students will need to do the exercises


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-The teacher tells the class two short stories about the situations which are related to permission and possibility, and elicits these words "permission" and "possibility" from students in order to understand and distinguish what the difference is between them. -At first, the teacher divides students in pairs. -Then the teacher tells students to open their books and look at two pictures in part one due to making sure students understand the right meaning of the words. - The teacher asks students "which picture is about permission?" and "which picture is about possibility?" -The students have to talk about the pictures in pairs and share their ideas. -The teacher monitors while they are talking. -There is a whole class feedback.

Exposure (15-20 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

-Before the students listen to the dialogs, the teacher teaches and elicits some phrases which they are in the text in order to avoid confusing students while they are listening. For instance, ma'am, Who's this, That's ok, It's me, I'm sorry, etc. - the teacher gives instruction and gives them time to read questions 1-3. -Dialog one: the teacher plays the CD and students have to listen to the dialog one. Then listen again and read the text to answer questions 1-3. - Students check their answer in pairs. Then the teacher gives correct answers. - Dialog two: the teacher plays the CD and students have to listen to the dialog two. Then listen again and read the text to answer questions 4-6. -Student check their answer in pairs. Then the teacher gives correct answers.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

-The teacher forms pairs in the class. -The teacher asks the pairs to look at the highlighted sentences in the text and find the word which is repeated in all sentences. -there is a whole class feedback.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

-The teacher hands out the guided discovery sheet and asks students to work individually and answer the part one. Later they have to check their answer in pairs. -The teacher only writes the answer, which is related to the part one, on the board. -The teacher asks students to do the second and the third part alone, then switch their sheets with the partner and see the partner's answer. -ICQ: the teacher asks "At first, are you going to do it together? No." "At last, are you going to switch your sheet with the partner? Yes" -Then the teacher asks students to look at the answer key which is given to them and make sure they have the right answer. -For clarifying the pronunciation, the teacher draws the phonetic symbols on the board and elicits the picture words (cat and computer) -The teacher writes the sentences, which are in the box, on the board and marks their stress then drills them due to teaching the pronunciation of can/can't. -The teacher plays the CD for students to hear the difference between can/can't because section b gives students to distinguish between them.

Controlled Practice1 (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-The teacher gives students some exercises include two parts. -Exercise one: the teacher asks students to do the part a. - Before students do the exercises,the teacher gives instruction and does one of them as an example. -At first, students have to complete sentences with can/can't. Then check their answer in pairs. -ICQ: the teacher asks "Are you going to complete sentences alone?Yes" "Are you going to check your answer with the partner?Yes" -the teacher starts monitoring. -there is a whole class feedback. -exercise two: the students have to fill the gaps with can/can't and given verbs individually, then switch their sheets and explain the answers to the partner. -there is a whole class feedback.

Controlled Practice2 (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-The teacher teaches and elicits the verbs which the students need to do the exercise c in vocabulary due to making sure they are ready for it. After that the teacher asks students to match verbs, which are written on the board, with the sentences. -the students have to do it and check their answer with partner. -The teacher gives correct answer. -CCQ: the teacher asks "Do you think all pictures are about permission or possibility?"

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

-The teacher divides students into groups. -Before the students start playing the roles, the teacher gives instruction. -The teacher asks groups to stand up and stand like a circle, then teacher gives roles which are written on the cards to groups. -The students have to read their roles. -According to their roles, one student is a principal or manager in each group and other members are the new students or the new workers. -the principal/the manager has all sentences which are related to the rules and the new students/the new workers are supposed to ask their questions. -The teacher monitors attentively while they are playing and talking. -The teacher writes down the mistakes she hears for a delayed feedback. -The teacher writes down some of the mistakes on the board and asks students to correct them.

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