Full English coming up!
Elementary level

Main Aims
To provide product writing practice of a recipe in the context of food/cooking
Subsidiary Aims
Perhaps the most important element of any plan is the part where we say what our aims are.Jeremy Harmer in The Practice of English Language Teaching
Procedure (35-45 minutes)
T: "Welcome ladies and gentelmen." " "How are you?" "Did you have your breakfast in the morning?" OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: PW, 1 minute "This is my friend's breakfast. What is that?(showing the picture)" -A SANDWICH(Sts). (DRILLING will be done) "Look at the picture and write down the names of these things in the sandwich" "Work in pairs." ICQ: "Are we working in pairs?"YES "Are we writing the names here?YES FEEDBACK: Sts share their answers with the class.
ACTIVITY: T: "WHO İS HE?" He is Mr Bean, a famous movie character. Now he is preparing his breakfast. "WHAT IS HE PREPARING?" T shows the pictures and at the end of the storyboard: T:"DISCUSS IN PAIRS" "YOU HAVE 1 MINUTE" T writes the questions below on the WB! "Do you prepare your breakfast like that?" "What do you usually have for breakfast? " "Do you have a traditional type of food/dish for breakfast?" ICQs: "Are working in groups?"NO. "Are we talk about these three questions?" Some Sts share their answers with the class. T: " We are going to listen to a recording about a traditional/dish." "Individually, write down the words while you listen" ICQs: "What are we going to listen to?" A recording about a traditional food. "Are we going to just listen?"NO, listen and write down some words we hear. During the listening T divides the WB into three parts (Ingredients/ Cooking Method/Cooking Method) + OPTIONAL (Served by/Accompanied by) After the listening, T: "What is it about?" -A RECIPE. "What kind of traditional food is it?" "What words did you write?" T writes the words (the ones related to the categories) on the WB that Sts tell and also eliciting will be done. If Sts struggles with the listening a second listening will be done. 2nd Listening: T:"This time, listen (or watch) and fill in the blanks" ICQs: Are we going to just listen or listen and? listen and fill in the blanks. Feedback: T: "Check your answers with your partner."
T arranges the WB (considering the spaces between the words) T: "Everyone please stand up" "Stick these words or sentences on the correct part of the WB." ICQs:"Are you going to stick the words on the correct part of the WB?" YES. After all the words and sentences sticked on the WB T clarifies the words&sentences on the WB by showing pictures, eliciting, gestures and mimes for coming productive part. Drilling for pronunciation and form (including singular&plural) are executes in this part.
T: "Here we have some guests from England for breakfast." (shows the picture of the people) "They would like to have a traditional Turkish food/dish for breakfast." "What can we cook as a traditional Turkish dish for breakfast?" -MENEMEN(it is chosen during the eliciting or maybe another idea may be chosen too according to the ingredients) "Work in goups of four. "Discuss and write down the recipe of Menemen on this paper." "We will give the recipe to them and to Laurence too. ICQs: "Are we going to work in pairs?"NO "Are we going to just talk with our group?"No, talk and write down the recipe." T gives the template to Sts. T monitors the groups and supports them and corrects the errors she sees. After 8 minutes (can be less depending on Sts reaction): T: "Please give your recipes to other groups." "Now read your friends' recipes." "Underline and correct the sentences that can be wrong." T gives some examples here and says that T: " slice the tomato half" but it should be "slice the tomato in half" and also T shows them how to correct. You have 2 minutes. T:"Please change the recipes." You have 2 minutes. T:"Please change the recipes." "Now, please look at the notes on your recipe. If you agree, change them, if you don't agree with them, don't change it." You have 2 minutes. ICQ for the last part:"Are you going to correct immediately?"No. "Are you going to correct if you agree?"Yes. T monitors and supports throughout the whole activity.
Sts will share their corrected recipes. T writes some sentences on the WB that she came across during the activity. CCQs, drilling of some words that are still mispronounced and error correction are the areas that are worked on this stage.