Patrick Cody Patrick Cody

TP 6 - Feelings
Pre-Intermediate level


Abc Language Analysis
Abc Vocabulary Exercise 1
Abc Listening 2.44
Abc Vocabulary Exercise 2
Abc Vocabulary Game Cards
Abc Interview Questionaire

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and oral practice of extreme adjectives such as; furious, starving, terrified, exhausted, delighted etc. in the context of feelings

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice detailed listening for specific information in a text related to feelings.


Intro / Warmer • To generate interest in the topic / theme of the lesson

The teacher will begin class by drawing a stick man on the board. A story about the man will be elicited from the students. What is his name? What does he do? And then "how is he feeling today? Why does he feel that way? What other feelings might he have? When he goes to work how will he feel? When he goes to bed tonight how will he feel?. In pairs students can begin to create a character. INTERRACTION: T-S, PW

Highlighting Vocabulary (Present) • To elicit the meaning of the target language from the students through a brief listening passage. To clarify the pronunciation and form of the target language as needed.

Students will be given Vocabulary Exercise 1 from the course book. They will have 2-3 minutes to fill in the blanks. Students will check with a partner and then listen to the dialogue to confirm their answers. After the listening exercise CCQ's and elicitation techniques will be used to draw the meaning of the TL from the students (See Language Analysis). INTERACTION: S (individual), PW, T-S TIME: 9-11

Practice - 1 • To provide controlled written practice foucsed on using the target language accurately.

Students will be given Vocabulary Exercise 2 from the student workbook. They must match the ordinary and extreme adjectives. Students will work individually and then in groups to check. INTERRACTION: S (individually), GW check, TIME: 3-5 minutes

Practice - 2 • To provide controlled kinestetic practice focused on using and recalling the TL accurately.

This is a group competition. The goal is for students to physically act / mime the vocabulary while the members of their group guess the correct word. Students will be broken into teams of three. Each team needs a set of the vocabulary cards. One person will act out while the other two must guess. Teams will have two minutes to act out as many words as they can. After the activity there should be a small prize for the winning group. Focusing on the target vocabulary, the teacher can ask for the person who acted each word the best. INTERACTION: GW / Game, T-S TIME: 5-7

Re-Clarification (If Necessary) • To clarify the meaning, pronunciation or form of particulary difficult words as needed. To prepare students for the productive exercise to come.

The teacher may pause here to provide feedback on the meaning, form or pronunciation of the target language. CCQ's and further elicitation techniques can again be used from the Language Analysis. Based on teacher observation. Skip if not needed INTERRACTION: T-S TIME: 2-3

Production 1 • To provide freer oral practice focused on using the target language accurately.

Students will complete the given interview form by mingling in the center of the room. Students must try to find someone who has experienced each of the target emotions and ask them to explain. At the end of the exercise the teacher may elicit any particularly interesting stories which came up. INTERRACTION: S-S (mingling), WC feedback TIME: 8-10

Production 2 (If time) • To provide controlled written practice focused on using the target language accurately.

Using their answers from the previous interview activity students will write a short response. Students will share about a time when they were furious, terrified, freezing, etc.... INTERRACTION: S (individual) TIME: 8-10 minutes

Feedback and Closing • To provide closure to the lesson while also highlighting errors in meaning, form, or pronunciation.

The teacher can error correct as necessary. While observing the students the teacher should take notes of common errors throughout the lesson. These can be highlighted on the board and revised. INTERACTION: T-S TIME: 3-5 Minutes

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