Patrick Cody Patrick Cody

TP 2 - used to / would
Upper intermediate B2 level


This lesson provides a follow up to the students earlier reading lesson. Students will analyze some of the language they encountered previously specifically "used to" and "would" for past habits. This target language will be introduced and practiced within the context of animals and pets. After a brief lead in usage rules will be elicited and students will have a chance to practice orally.


Abc Lead-In Pictures
Abc Grammar Hand Out & Exercise 1
Abc Interesting People Pictures
Abc Meaning and Function HO
Abc Meaning and Function Answer Key

Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice "used to" and "would" in the context of animals and pets.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice speaking for fluency.


Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To draw engage students' attention and point them towards the TL.

The teacher will begin with three pictures posted on the WB. (A dog, a tortoise, and a turkey.) These pictures represent the three characters from the previous reading passage. Ss will be given a "pop" quiz naming the person represented by each picture and two crazy things that they did. This will be done as PW. The teacher should specifically ask the question "What would they do / What did they used to do?"

Focus on the language (Meaning) (4-5 minutes) • To elicit the meaning of "used to" and "would" along with when each can be used.

-As a continuation of the lead in activity have students call out crazy things that the characters did. -Hand out the meaning worksheet. Students should work individually to answer the questions about the model sentences. -After students have worked individually. Have them check their answers in pairs. -T should finally write on the board the meaning of the TL. "Used in the past for habits / continuos actions". Use a green marker for anything related to meaning.

Focus on the language. (Pronunciation) (5-6 minutes) • To drill the pronunciation of "use to" highligting the silent "d". /ju:stə/

- Use a blue marker for anything related to pronunciation. -Read the example sentences a few times and getting Ss to point out the stress in the sentence. Use a marker to highlight this stress. - Back chaining. Model for the student the pronunciation of /ju:stə/. -Do we say the "d" could be a good CCQ. -Chorally drill one or two of the sentences, working backwards.

Focus on the language (Form) (4-5 minutes) • To elicit from Ss the form of TL.

-Use a red marker for anything related to form. - T will ask Ss to look at the second half of the Meaning and Function HO. They will complete the gap fill, check in partners and finally review the answer key again. -T should also orally check the pronunciation and stress of the negative and question forms. Again highlight these with blue marker. If pronunciation is a struggle another back chaining activity can be done. -Finally T will check the rules for when "would" can / cannot be used. Ss can take notes on the bottom of the answer key.

Controlled Practice (6-7 minutes) • To again focus on the form by giving students a contextualized example of the TL.

-T will give the HO at this point. Signal that students should work first individually and then check their answers in pairs. - Answers are written on the back of the paper. Students may do a final check of that answer key. -T can monitor for any commonly confused sentences and revise the activity as necessary.

Freer Practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to use the TL in a more natural setting and to provide an pooportunity for oral speaking practice.

-Think, Pair, Share. -Tell students that they used to be an animal. (Reference the idea of re-incarnation from the reading passage). Assign each student an animal (Lion, Horse, Shark, Eagle, Dragon) and get them to think for 1 minute about the things they used to do. -Break students into pairs and have them share ideas with a partner. -Break students into groups based on their animal. (All the dragons together etc) These will also be their groups for the final activity.

Oral Fluency (10-12 minutes) • To specifically focus on oral fluency along with use of the TL

-Ss will remain in their groups. Each group will be given a picture of an interesting or famous person. The groups must make a story about what that person used to do. -After groups have had some ideas to brainstorm they will again break into pairs and share. -T can elicit some whole class feedback. Who told the funniest story? Which picture was the most interesting?

Error Correction / Feedback and Conclusion (3-4 minutes) • To provide a revision of the meaning, pronunciation and form of the TL as necessary. To conclude the lesson.

-While monitoring T should take notes of common errors or mistakes. These can be highlighted on the board. Write the incorrect sentences and elicit student feedback. -Dismiss the class and say thank you.

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