Rawabi Rawabi

Beno, 31 May 2017, TP 1a
Preintermeddiate level


In this lesson, the students will read a text about an unusual athlete and answer questions about the text. They will also work in pairs or groups to check their answers.


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Main Aims

  • To practice reading for gist and detail with reference to physical activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • learning or recycling vocabulary and grammatical collocations related to physical activities.


Warm up/ Lead in (6-8 minutes) • To engage students and set the lesson context.

T holds up an enlarged picture or 2 ( from p.13) asks the students questions to elicit the topic of the lesson. ex. What are they doing? , Playing sports? , What is that called? T draws a line to split the WB into sections. Split Ss into 2 or 3 groups. Each group has a different color pen. Ss take turns writing a type of sport on the board, then pass the marker to the next person in their group. They must list as many sports as possible in three minutes.

Pre- reading (4-6 minutes) • to prepare students for the text.

1. T hands out two sets of flash cards. Ones with pictures ( from p.13) and one with words (from p.13, ex.a) Have them match the words to the pictures. 2. T asks them if they had the same answers as the person sitting to their right. 3. T holds up a bigger version of the pictures and asks the students to hold up the matching word. Switch. T holds up the word and Ss must hold up the picture.

During reading (22-27 minutes) • To practice reading for gist and details.

1. Using the projector T shows the first text. Ss must read the text in maybe 2 minutes. T asks them a question about the text. ex, What's unusual about Ruben? 2. T reads out the questions (in ex,2 p.12). 3. T hands out the second text. Ss must read the text to find answers to the questions. (PW) 4. T can ask for the answers from WC. Answers: 1 He saw Scott Hamilton win at figure skating. 2 Most people give up because they get hurt a lot, but he never gives up. 3 three. 4 He's a motivational speaker. (= he talks about how to be successful).

Post reading (6-8 minutes) • To allow the Ss to try out vocabulary and grammatical collocation we mentioned today.

1. T writes questions (ex,3 p.13) on the board. Place the Ss in groups of 3 or 4. Ss work in groups to 'ask and answer' the questions. Make sure everyone is participating. T Monitors and collect some errors for post-task feedback. 2. T gives post-task feedback. ex, I do swimming. *If-time activity: Word-search. In an 8x8 table there are 5 words related to sports that the Ss must find in the word search. A: Yoga, Swimming, Tennis, Hockey, Skiing

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