Dilshod Dilshod

Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn to compare past simple and present perfect for experience. They will practice speaking and listening: asking and answering questions using the present perfect.


Abc Gap-fill handouts

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of difference between past simple and present perfect for experience

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of speaking and listening: asking and answering questions using the present perfect.


Lead-in/Highlighting (2-3 minutes)

T will write sentences on the board, and ask Ss to discuss in pairs what is the difference between two sentences.

Clarification (5-10 minutes)

Elicit the 2 tenses used in sentences and ask students complete the table in ex 2a. Elicit the meaning, form and pronounciation

Controlled practice (8-10 minutes)

Complete the questions in ex 3 p 19 and check with partners before T shows correct answers.

Freer practice (6-8 minutes)

T groups the students and sets the cut-ups of the questions in ex 3 with answers filled in on the table faced down. Then asks students to take turn to pick up one and ask the group who must answer

Feedback.error/correction (8-10 minutes)

T reads out questions from ex above and students highlight which words are stressed.

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