Maria Sara Dorrego Carreira Maria Sara Dorrego Carreira

Listening lesson
Elementary level


In this lesson, Ss listen to three people talking about the places where they live or spend their holidays. At the beginning of the lesson, the Ss discuss in which of the three places -shown in photos- would they prefer to spend their holidays. The lesson continues with an activity on vocabulary and one on sentence stress for the Ss to get familiar with the content of the text. This will be followed by a listening for gist and a listening for detail activities. The class finishes with a follow up speaking activity.


Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with listening practice for gist and detail in the context of places to live and go on holidays

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Ss with vocabulary, such as 'station', 'b&b', 'flat', 'square', etc. and speaking practice for fluency in the context of places to live and go on holidays


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Project the photos of Auckland, Keswick and Eyeries. - The Ss predict in what country this places are. - Instructions: 'In what country do you think this places are? I think this one (pointing at Auckland) is in Japan, because there high buildings and it's nearby the sea. Decide in groups. 2 minutes.' - FB: Ask for a volunteer in each group to share their ideas. Move behind the Ss talking so that the attention of the rest is focused on him. - Monitor. Write down relevant errors.

Pre-Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

- Stick on the walls the photos of the places in exercise 1. Place the words facing up on a table in the middle of the semicircle. - Demonstrate without oral instructions. Take a word and read it. Stick it next to the correspondant photo. Ask one of the Ss to do the same. 'Now, everyone'. - Clarify relevant vocabulary for the listening activity: Bed and Breakfast CCQs: -Is it similar to a hotel? Yes -Is it bigger or smaller? Smaller - What meals are included? Breakfast Flat (US: apartment) CCQs: - Is it a home? Yes - If you live in a flat, is there other people living above you? Probably yes. - And next to you? Probably yes. A square in a city. Draw the shape on the board. CCQs: -What can we find around? Buildings, houses, shops. I assume the meaning of the rest of the words will be clear with the photos. - Drill a couple of words Pre-listening activity: - Instructions: 'In groups, decide which 4 things are important to you where you live. You have 2 minutes' -FB: Nominate a student from each group for FB. Make sure that new Ss participate (not the same ones as in the lead-in). Move behind the S , talking so that the attention of the Ss is not focused on the teacher. - Tell them where the places are (New Zealand, England and Ireland)

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

- Instructions: ' We will listen to 3 conversations. Match them to the photos and decide who talks about where he/she lives now, who talks about where his/her family lives and who talks about where he/she goes on holidays.' - Play the audio 2 times. -WC FB

While Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

-Give the sentences to the Ss. -Instructions: 'In pairs, decide if these sentences are about Aukland, Keswick or Eyeries. 3 minutes.' - 'Now listen again and check your answers' - Give them the answer key.

Post-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

-Instructions: 'In groups, decide which place you would like to visit: Auckland, Keswick or Eyeries? Why? You have 3 minutes.' - Monitor for delayed correction. -FB: select a different student from each group for WC FB. Move behind the Ss talking to avoid T-centred activity.

Delayed correction (3-3 minutes) • To provide Ss with clarification of the mistakes they made during the lesson

-Write some examples of good language and language to improve that the Ss used during the lesson. -Ask Ss how could we say the incorrect sentences correctly. If possible, give them options to choose from.

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