Asli Asli

Teaching Practice 4
Elementary level


In this lesson, the students will learn asking questions and giving short answers in present simple tense.


Abc Gap-fill handout S's Book ex.8 a,b, c
Abc listening R4.7

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of the present simple tense in the context of first date

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of friends


Warmer/Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Before the lesson starts, write 'Do you like shopping?' on the WB. Also write the vocabulary they learned in the previous lesson: reading, football, travelling... (p.32, ex.1) Make the Ss in groups of 4. Nominate one student and ask her the question on the WB. - If she answers yes, ask her to ask the same question to the person next to her. Give the instructions: Talk to your group. Ask the questions on the WB and find one thing that all four of you like or dislike. Monitor. Feedback: Ask each table what they have in common.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Ask the Ss if they remember Kim from the previous lesson. Get them do the worksheet about the reading text.. solo peer check feedback: elicit answers from the Ss

Highlighting (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Write these sentences on the WB: ---------------- she like animals? ----------------she watch TV a lot? What -------------- she do in her free time? Elicit answers for the gaps. Write on the board (across the Qs): Short answers: - Yes, she _____________ . - No, she ______________. Ask: how do we answer? Elicit answers. Ask: Do we say 'yes, she does likes' or 'yes, she does'? Mark the correct answer on the WB.

Clarification (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Write the question on the WB: 1.What does she do in her free time? Draw the timeline. Ask the CCQs: Am I asking about now? No. Future? No. Past? No. Am I asking about in general? Yes. Mark it on the WB. Form: What / does / she / do / in her free time? Underline 'does'. Ask the Ss: When do we use does in questions? When do we use do? Elicit answers. Write: I, you, we, they; do. He, she, it; does. Ask them the negative forms. Elicit answers. 2. Does she watch TV a lot? Ask the CCQs: Am I asking about today or everyday? Everyday. Highlight that the verb doesn't get suffix -s Pronunciation: Point out that does is not stressed and is pronounced /dəz/.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Handout ex.8. Get them write the questions. Check with their peers. Listen and check again. Feedback: Elicit answers. Listen again and drill. Ask them to answer the questions they wrote. Pair work Feedback: Elicit answers.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Ask the students to think of a friend of theirs. Ask one of the student: what's your friend's name? Show the handout. Tell them to write their friend's name on the paper. Ask the first question to the same student: Does_______ watch TV a lot? If the answers is no, ask the second question. Tell WC that they need to tick all the boxes which their friend likes to do. Solo. When they finish it, show them how to make a question from those sentences. Elicit one or two answers. Get them make 5 - 10 questions each. Pair work. Monitor. Feedback.

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Get them ask their questions about their friend to each other and answer each other's questions. Peer work Monitor. Feedback: Elicit a few answers. -What's his friend's name? -Does she watch TVa lot?

If time... • Get to Ss practice more about the target language

Work book, P: 22

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