Functional Language in Restaurant Context
Elementary level


In this lesson, Sts will practice "would you like to, I'd like to, How about, Can I have.., I'll have.., " phrases in restaurant context.


Abc Pictures of a Restaurant and Waiter&Customer, ,Listening,Gap-Fill Handout, Handout (guessing who utters each sentence; waiter or customer)

Main Aims

  • To teach Sts functional language (ordering requests, offers, asking for the bill) in the context of Restaurant; waiter and customer conversation.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To let Sts practice the TL by listening for Exposure and let them produce their own sentences.


Warm-Up / Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

T shows two pictures (2 customers & a waiter in the restaurant and a restaurant picture) and asks where is that place and also what are the people talking about: - "Where is this place? - Who are they? Who is he? What are they doing? What are they talking?" T elicits "waiter" and "customer."

Exposure/Presentation (3-6 minutes) • To provide context for the TL through listening.

Before the listening: - "You are going to listen to conversation, and I'd like you to listen and focus on the place, the number of ppl, the place and also some phrases they are using in particular." Then, T lets the Sts to listen to the recording which is about a conversation between a waiter and 2 customers (copied from Face2Face, 4C Real World). After they listen: -"What did they talk about? - how many customers are there? - Was the waiter or waiteress taking orders from the customers? "(T clarifies the meaning difference between the 'waiter' and 'waiteress'.) After listening: - "Are the people at school? (No) - Are they in a restaurant? (Yes) - What phrases or sentences did they use generally?" T lets them discuss is pairs about the listening, who are the people and what kind of sentences they used.

Controlled Practice / Follow-Up (6-10 minutes) • To get the Sts involved and to highlight the meaning, form and pronunciation of the TL.

T gives handouts (gap-fill) and asks the Sts to listen to the recording again and fill the gaps with the TL. Sts read the statements first and guess what might be written in the gaps. Then, they check their answers in pairs. T divides the board into columns as "request (ordering food)," "suggestion (waiter or friend)," "offer," "asking for the bill." Then, T highlights the meaning of each phrase and how the intonation affects the meaning. T also adds additional phrases such as "I'm sorry, would you like me to change your food?" or "This food is cold/burnt," "What about/How about..., "I'll take / I'll have.." T clarifies the pronunciation particularly for "would you." Also, T lets the sts listen to another recording for intonation and drills with the Sts to highlight where the stress is in a sentence.

Follow-up / Practice (3-4 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare the Sts for further activities.

T gives handouts to the Sts in which they will try to guess who would utter the sentences either a waiter or customer. Then, they check their answers in pairs.

Production Section / Follow-Up (10-15 minutes) • To provide Sts with practice of the TL.

T splits the class into 5 groups of 3 people and gives some situations such as "you go to a restaurant for dinner with your friend" OR "you go to a cafe for lunch with your friend but your food is cold and the waiter feels sad about the situation" and also different menus and so they will produce a dialogue by getting help from the board. Sts will be given 10 minutes for this task and then some groups will be asked for role play. T writes mistaken sentences on the board and lets the Sts discover the mistakes and correct them.

Feedback / Error Correction (4-7 minutes) • To let students discover the mistakes in their own sentences.

T asks if some sentences (of the Sts) are correct in form and spelling or not. (Note: This part may be reversed as quick feedback after Sts produce their own dialogues.)

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